For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
BUILDING PERMIT: A "building permit" as defined in the uniform building code.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: An entitlement to occupy and use a building granted pursuant to section 10-3-2724 of this code.
COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: The construction or addition of commercial or industrial "floor area", as defined in section 10-3-100 of this code, which requires a building permit. "Commercial or industrial development project" also shall mean any change of use of property which requires a building permit and which will generate additional peak time trips above which can be reasonably associated with the most recent use of the property.
DEVELOPER: The applicant of a building permit for either a commercial or industrial development project or a multiple-family development project.
GOVERNMENTAL OR PUBLIC FACILITIES: Publicly owned or operated buildings and structures used for the purposes of conducting city, county, state or federal government business. Such facilities shall include, but not be limited to, city halls, police and fire stations, offices, equipment yards, sanitation facilities, schools, recreation centers, and similar facilities. Private commercial development projects leasing publicly owned land shall not be considered governmental or public facilities.
MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: The construction of a building used for multiple-family occupancy and the addition of dwelling units to a building used for multiple-family occupancy.
TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES: Transportation system improvement projects that require physical alteration of the transportation system, including ancillary equipment and facilities. Examples of transportation facilities include, but are not limited to, roadway improvements, signalization improvements, and other ancillary public right of way improvements.
TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS: Transportation system improvement projects that do not require physical alteration of the transportation system. Examples of transportation programs include, but are not limited to, ridesharing programs, transit subsidies, alternative work week scheduling, education/marketing programs designed to reduce automobile trips, and the personnel and administrative costs of such programs.
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS IMPROVEMENT PLAN: A systematic program for improving the transportation system specified in the plan in order to mitigate the adverse impacts on such transportation system by new development. The plan shall describe the nature and extent of these improvements and their associated cost estimates. The plan shall be approved by the city council prior to or currently with the adoption of a resolution establishing the amount of the development fee. (Ord. 89-O-2076, eff. 11-16-1989)