(A)   The Director shall revoke any ROL for a multi-tenant/mixed-use property if the Director determines that:
      (1)   The registrant failed to comply with any provision of this chapter, any other city ordinance, or any state or federal law applicable to the operation of a multi-tenant/mixed-use property;
      (2)   The registrant intentionally made a false statement as to a material matter in the application or in a hearing concerning the ROL;
      (3)   The registrant failed to pay fees required by this chapter at the time it was due;
      (4)   Operation of the multi-tenant/mixed-use property violates the city’s Zoning Code;
      (5)   In the event a condition of extreme hazard to health or safety is found to exist;
      (6)   The applicant failed to complete/participate in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Training Program as set forth in § 822.15; and
      (7)   The applicant failed to follow guidelines as set forth in the Crime Free Housing Program as set forth in § 822.15.
   (B)   Before revoking the ROL under division (A), the Director shall notify the registrant in writing by certified mail that the ROL is being considered for revocation. The notice must include the reason for the proposed revocation, action the registrant must take to prevent the revocation, and a statement that the registrant has ten days to comply with the notice.
   (C)   If, after ten days from receipt of the notice required in division (B), the registrant has not complied with the notice, the Director shall revoke the ROL and notify the registrant in writing by certified mail of the revocation. The notice must include the reason for the revocation, the date the Director orders the revocation, and a statement informing the registrant of the right of appeal. Appeal must be filed within 35 days of the date of notification. Appeal must be made in writing and submitted to the Director.
   (D)   Each day a building continues to operate after a license has been revoked shall constitute a separate violation of this code subject to local adjudication and fine, as provided in § 202.99 of this code.
(Ord. 08-25, passed 4-8-2008)