A.   The chief of police shall either, within forty eight (48) hours, issue a written permit for the holding of a parade or assembly or deny the application. Applications may be denied on the basis of incompleteness or as not being in compliance with this chapter. The reasons for denial shall be made known to applicant, in writing, at the time of denial. The applicant shall be allowed to correct or complete the improper application and resubmit it to the chief of police or immediately appeal pursuant to section 8-4-12 of this chapter. If a corrected application is resubmitted, the chief of police shall issue the permit or deny the application within forty eight (48) hours, in writing, as with an original application.
   B.   The chief of police shall issue a permit as provided herein unless, from a consideration of the application and from such other information as may otherwise be obtained, he finds that:
      1.   The information contained in the application is false or intentionally misleading in some material or substantial regard.
      2.   The parade or assembly will endanger public health, welfare, or safety for the reasons set forth herein and that reasonable adjustments to the village traffic control, street and property maintenance, or police, fire, or ambulance protection would not alleviate such danger.
      3.   The time, duration, route, and size of the parade or assembly will substantially and unreasonably disrupt the movement of traffic.
      4.   The parade or assembly is of a size or nature that it would require the diversion of such a great number of police officers of the village to properly police the line of movement or assembly area and the areas contiguous thereto as to impair reasonable police protection to the village.
      5.   The permittee has failed to provide for the services of sufficient monitors to control the orderly conduct of the parade or assembly.
      6.   The permittee has failed to provide a reasonable means of informing all the persons participating therein of the terms and conditions of the permit.
      7.   The concentration or number of persons, animals, or vehicles, or a combination thereof, is such as to prevent or substantially impair police, fire, and ambulance vehicles and/or personnel from responding to emergency calls within the village, including within the immediate area of the proposed parade or assembly.
      8.   The parade will not progress from its assembly area to its disbanding area as expeditiously as reasonably required for the safe and orderly conduct of the parade.
      9.   The parade or assembly will interfere with another parade or assembly for which a permit has previously been granted except as set forth in section 8-4-6 of this chapter.
      10.   The parade or assembly is reasonably likely to cause injury to persons or property.
      11.   The assembly on a public sidewalk in a business district will interfere with the normal egress and ingress of pedestrians to and from a business establishment.
   C.   The chief of police shall uniformly consider each application upon its merits and shall not discriminate in granting or denying the application and shall not deny any permit based upon any lawfully protected class of individuals. (2016 Code)