§ 21.102 DUTIES
   The city administrator shall have direct responsibility to the mayor for the proper administration of all duties assigned to him which shall include but not be limited to:
   (A)   Preparation and submission of an annual budget proposal to the council on behalf of and on authority of the mayor, and responsibility for its administration upon adoption, and all city departments shall act pursuant to direction from the city administrator in formulating budgetary proposals and expending allocated funds;
   (B)   Advise the mayor and council of the financial condition of the city and recommend actions as deemed advisable;
   (C)   Maintain liaison with other local governments and represent the city on all city, regional and state boards, commissions, and committees as directed or approved by the mayor and council;
   (D)   May appoint persons to temporary or seasonal budgeted positions for periods not to exceed six (6) months, if delegated this authority by appropriate order of the mayor;
   (E)   Responsibility for the functions of personnel officer as delineated in the city's personnel policies and procedures;
   (F)   Responsibility for making purchases for all city departments according to established purchasing procedures;
   (G)   Supervision of all city departments and the conduct of the employees and officers, and may require reports from such as deemed desirable;
   (H)   Promulgation of procedures to ensure the orderly administration of the functions of the city, subject to written approval by the mayor;
   (I)   Authority to take personnel actions in the absence of the mayor;
   (J)   Supervise the collection of all taxes, street improvements, licenses, dues and monies owed to the city, and generally provide the administration of the functions of the collector and director of finance;
   (K)   Such other activities, studies, management functions, plans, and duties as the mayor and city council may direct from time to time within the structures of local, state and federal law.
(Ord. No. 4.84, § 3, 4-3-84)
   The city administrator shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval of the city council, at rates of pay and under employment conditions specified by formal action of the mayor and city council. The city administrator shall be compensated at a rate of pay to be established by the city council in the annual budget ordinance. The city administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor subject only to the termination procedures set out in this division.
(Ord. No. 4.84, § 4, 4-3-84)
   The city administrator may be terminated without cause by the mayor. In such event the city administrator shall be given written notice of the termination six (6) months in advance of the effective termination date. The terminating authority shall share the option of purchasing all, some, or none of the time between the notice and the final date of termination. Conviction of an illegal act involving personal gain for the administrator will be grounds for immediate dismissal. The administrator shall provide written notice of voluntary resignation to the council at least sixty (60) days in advance. In neither of the last two (2) eventualities shall the city administrator be entitled to receive any additional compensation.
(Ord. No. 4.84, § 5, 4-3-84)
   The city administrator shall take the constitutional oath and execute a fidelity bond, with one or more sureties approved by the city council, before taking office.
(Ord. No. 4.84, § 6, 4-3-84)
   The office of the city clerk is hereby established as a separate office for the city. The city clerk shall be compensated at a rate of pay to be established by the city council in the annual budget ordinance.
(Ord. No. 3.79, § 1, 1-16-79; Ord. No. 4.82, § 6, 3-2-82)
   The city clerk shall take the constitutional oath and shall execute a bond, with one or more sureties approved by the city council, before taking office.
(Ord. No. 3.79, § 1, 1-16-79)