General Provisions
70.01 Definitions
70.02 Truck routes
70.03 One-way traffic
70.04 Designation of traffic lanes
70.05 Designation of arterial streets
70.06 Turning generally
70.07 Right-of-way
70.08 Right-of-way; emergency vehicles
70.09 Position of vehicle on highway
70.10 Crosswalks
70.11 Signs and signals
70.12 Stop signs
70.13 Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, roller skates, and inline skates; operation
Prohibitions and Enforcement
70.25 Littering
70.26 Defacing or interfering with signs
70.27 Unauthorized display of signs
70.28 Backing
70.29 Unnecessary stopping
70.30 Passing; intersections
70.31 Passing; hindrance
70.32 Driving abreast
70.33 Following distance
70.34 Following fire apparatus
70.35 Crowding; front seat
70.36 Riding outside vehicle
70.37 Driving in sidewalk space
70.38 Unnecessary noise
70.39 Mufflers
70.40 Wrongful taking motor vehicles
70.41 Emergency regulations
70.42 Police
70.43 Refusal to obey police
70.44 Traffic officers
70.45 Radar device prohibited
70.46 Drunken driving
70.99 Penalty