133.01 Compensation; bond.
133.02 Personnel in Auditor’s office.
133.03 Commercial enterprises on City property.
133.04 Service charge for bad checks.
133.05 Investment policy.
133.06 Fixed asset policy.
133.07 Credit/purchasing card policy.
Uniform Bond Law - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 133
Uniform Depository Act - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 135
Treasury Investment Account - see Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq.
Election and term - see Ohio R.C. 733.10
Books and accounts - see Ohio R.C. 733.11 et seq.
Duty as to receiving bids - see Ohio R.C. 733.18
(a) Effective January 1, 1998, the salary of the Auditor shall be thirty-four thousand two hundred fifty-six dollars ($34,256.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly.
(b) Effective January 1, 1998, the Auditor shall be allowed an expense allowance of two thousand dollars ($2,000) per annum, payable quarterly.
(Ord. 32(96-97). Passed 3-24-97.)
(c) The Auditor’s salary and expenses shall be annually adjusted on January 1 of each year after 1998 by a three percent (3%) increase through December 31, 2009.
(d) Effective January 1, 2010, the Auditor’s salary and expenses shall be annually adjusted on January 1 of each year thereafter by a percentage equal to the average of annual wage increases provided in the City’s labor contracts with Union employees.
(Ord. 6(2008-09). Passed 11-24-08.)
(e) The Auditor shall be eligible for and entitled to coverage under all of the City’s insurance plans.
(f) The Auditor shall give bond in the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
(Ord. 32(96-97). Passed 3-24-97.)
The following positions are hereby created in the office of the City Auditor, which positions shall be classified in accordance with Civil Service Commission classifications:
(a) Chief Accounting Clerk.
(b) Chief Tax Clerk.
(c) Chief Billing Clerk.
(d) Cashier/Receptionist.
(e) Secretarial Assistants.
These positions shall be filled as funded by Council.
(Ord. 56(84-85). Passed 6-24-85.)
(a) No person, firm or other legal entity, other than the City itself shall be permitted or allowed to operate any commercial enterprise on or launched from real property owned or leased to the City without first obtaining a franchise to do so from the City.
(b) The City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to establish procedures and documents and to execute documents necessary to offer and to award franchises for commercial ventures on such City property. The Auditor shall be allowed full discretion to establish such procedures and documents as he/she deems reasonable and necessary, except that such franchises must be offered by public bidding and shall be awarded to the highest and best bidder.
(Ord. 1(94-95). Passed 1-10-94.)
(Ord. 1(94-95). Passed 1-10-94.)
(a) The City Auditor is hereby authorized to charge a service charge for servicing any and all bad checks which are given to any agency or branch of City government.
(b) The initial amount of the service charge for bad checks given to the City is ten dollars ($10.00). The Auditor is hereby authorized to adjust this service charge from time to time so it reflects the customary service charges for handling bad checks that is prevalent in the immediate area, provided that he/she notifies the Clerk of Council of any proposed adjustment at least thirty days in advance of the effective date of said adjustment.
(Ord. 11(94-95). Passed 10-24-94.)