(A)   Establishment of program. Because of their almost instantaneous impact, their injurious results, substantial contributions and relative ease of correction, the village will institute a priority program for the elimination of extraneous flows entering into the sanitary sewer system through downspouts, roof drains and other visible or outside connections which are connected directly or indirectly to the sanitary sewer system.
   (B)   Inspection of outside or inside connections. Within a period of six months starting March 1, 1974, and at no expense to the property owner, the village will make visual outside inspections of all properties within the village, with specific attention to downspouts, roof drains and other visible or outside connections, and, if requested by the property owner, the village will enter into the premises and make or assist in the making of additional inspection of the premises to ascertain if illegal connections are present. Upon completion of the visual outside or inside inspection, the village will advise the property owner in writing if any illegal connections are observed, and will advise on the manner of corrections for compliance with the provisions of this chapter. After the corrections are made, the village will, at no expense to the owner, make further inspections of the corrections to insure compliance with this division.
   (C)   Responsibility of owner to make connections after notice of findings. Within 90 days after notice to the property owner by the village of the presence of illegal connections, the property owner shall, at his or her expense, disconnect all illegal connections observed. All discharges of extraneous flows into the sanitary sewer system, directly or indirectly, shall be discontinued.
   (D)   Additional powers of village. In addition to visual inspections on the outside or the inside of the premises as indicated in division (A) of this section, the village may make other tests and inspections of the municipal sewer systems as it deems necessary in order to locate such illegal connections and sources of extraneous flows as may exist. The village, at its option, may also invoke other legal powers vested in it or implied by the state statutes for the protection of the health and welfare of the public, or institute such legal action as it deems necessary to discover and order the disconnection of any illegal connections that may exist.
(`95 Code, § 51.41) Penalty, see § 51.99