To meet National Flood Insurance Program minimum requirements to have flood data reviewed and approved by FEMA, and to ensure that the village’s flood maps, studies, and other data identified in § 152.006 accurately represent flooding conditions so appropriate floodplain management criteria are based on current data, the following map maintenance activities are identified:
(A) Requirement to submit new technical data.
(1) For all development proposals that impact floodway delineations or base flood elevations, the community shall ensure that technical data reflecting those changes be submitted to FEMA within six months of the date the information becomes available. These development proposals include:
(a) Floodway encroachments that increase or decrease base flood elevations or alter floodway boundaries;
(b) Fill sites to be used for the placement of proposed structures where the applicant desires to remove the site from the special flood hazard area;
(c) Alteration of watercourses that result in a relocation or elimination of the special flood hazard area, including the placement of culverts; and
(d) Subdivision or large scale development proposals requiring the establishment of base flood elevations in accordance with § 152.048.
(2) It is the responsibility of the applicant to have technical data, required in accordance with division (A) above, prepared in a format required for a conditional letter of map revision or letter of map revision, and submitted to FEMA. Submittal and processing fees for these map revisions shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
(3) The Floodplain Administrator shall require a conditional letter of map revision prior to the issuance of a floodplain development permit for:
(a) Proposed floodway encroachments that increase the base flood elevation; and
(b) Proposed development which increases the base flood elevation by more than one foot in areas where FEMA has provided base flood elevations but no floodway.
(4) Floodplain development permits issued by the Floodplain Administrator shall be conditioned upon the applicant obtaining a letter of map revision from FEMA for any development proposal subject to division (A)(1) of this section.
(B) Right to submit new technical data. The Floodplain Administrator may request changes to any of the information shown on an effective map that does not impact floodplain or floodway delineations or base flood elevations, such as labeling or planimetric details. A submission shall include appropriate supporting documentation made in writing by the Mayor of the village, and may be submitted at any time.
(C) Annexation/detachment. Upon occurrence, the Floodplain Administrator shall notify FEMA in writing whenever the boundaries of the village have been modified by annexation or the community has assumed authority over an area, or no longer has authority to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations for a particular area. In order that the village’s flood insurance rate map accurately represent the village’s boundaries, include within the notification a copy of a map of the village suitable for reproduction, clearly showing the new corporate limits or the new area for which the village has assumed or relinquished floodplain management regulatory authority.
(Ord. 2011-114, passed 2-15-2011)