No license required under this article shall be required of any individual doing installation or repair of the mechanical systems of the residence in which he/she lives; provided that such installation is done in conformity with this code and any other ordinances of the city. In all cases, the rules and regulations of this article shall be complied with, and such individual shall notify the city of such work proposed, request inspection thereof and pay a permit in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Code provisions. Furthermore, this section shall only apply to those installations required for remodeling, additions, and repairs. No individual shall be allowed to perform any mechanical work on new construction without first having been issued a license to do such work.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
A master’s license issued to an individual shall authorize a company or corporation to engage in such business or occupation during the period of time that the licensee maintains his/her connections with such company or corporation. A license applied under the requirements of this article shall be valid and in effect of one company, firm, or corporation as an active license, and shall not be assignable to any other company, firm, or corporation.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
Any holder of a master license under this article shall be allowed to install gas appliances, regulated under the current adoption addition of the Uniform Mechanical Code, upon the issuance of a permit therefor by the city.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
§§ 27-235—27-244 RESERVED.