(A) Before the expiration of any license issued, from or by the Permits and Inspections Department, the holder may, upon payment of the renewal fee, as described in the Master Fee Schedule, as either a master mechanical contractor, mechanical journeyman, apprentice, or sheet metal journeyman, make application to the Permits and Inspections Department for renewal of his/her license. Failure to make application and pay the renewal fee for renewal of a license before the expiration date thereof subjects the applicant to pay the renewal fee plus an additional late fee in the amount described in the Maser Fee Schedule. If the application is filed and the fees are paid in accordance with the above, the building official shall issue a renewal of such license without examination unless there are revocation or suspension proceedings in progress against such individual.
(B) Effective the date of the ordinance from which this section is derived, all contractors holding a current license will have a three-month grace period after the expiration date of his or her license to pay required fees as stated in the Master Fee Schedule, section 11-120 in order to renew his or her license. After the three-month grace period contractors will be required to pay a reinstatement fee, as stated in the Master Fee Schedule. Failure to renew by the end of the grace period shall cause such license to expire. If such license has expired, the building official shall reinstate the license provided an application for reinstatement is made by the contractor within one year of the expiration of the license, a reinstatement fee as stated in the Master Fee Schedule is paid, there are no revocation or suspension proceedings in progress against the license holder and the contractor otherwise meets the requirements for the year of the reinstatement. Except as provided herein, any license that has expired shall not be renewed or reinstated and testing with a minimum passing score of 70 percent will be mandatory in order for the building official to issue a license to do work within the City and its extra-territorial zoning jurisdiction. If the building official has reason to believe that the license has violated the provisions of section 27-225, he or she shall have the power to impose any revocation or suspension clause contained within the context of this article.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995; Ord. 2980, § 2, passed 2-23-1998; Ord. 3505, § 16, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 3517, § 4, passed 5-11-2009; Ord. 3661, § 8, passed 11-28-2011)
In addition to any other penalty imposed for a violation of this article, the building official may at any time revoke or suspend the license of any mechanical master who neglects to carry out the provisions of this article or refuses to be governed by such provisions in the prosecution of his/her work.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
The building official shall have the power to revoke, with just cause, any license issued under this article. A license shall be revoked immediately by the building official upon conviction of the holder thereof, in a court of competent jurisdiction, for the violation of any laws of the state, this code or any ordinances of the city, relative to the installation, repair, cleaning, or alteration in or to any mechanical system.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
A license issued pursuant to this article shall be revoked by the building official when he/she finds that the holder is guilty of one or more of the following:
(A) Fraudulent use of his/her license;
(B) Incompetency in the exercise of the privilege of the license;
(C) Fraud or misrepresentation in securing the license or permits granted pursuant to the building codes of the city;
(D) Refusal to perform his/her work to the requirements of law; and/or
(E) Such other breaches of duty by the holder of the license as the building official may find to be contrary to the intent and purpose of this article.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
Except as stated in section 27-225, cases involving violations of the provisions of this article or any other law or ordinance of the City of Bellevue relating to contractor licensing or permit requirements the following notification procedure shall be implemented by the building official prior to actual revocation of a license:
(A) For the first violation of this article, a written notification shall be sent to the licensee informing him/her of the violation and future recourse by the city;
(B) The second violation of this article shall cause the building official to suspend the license for a period of one month, and notify the licensee again by certified mail of the city procedures;
(C) The third violation of this article shall cause the building official to revoke the license for a period of not less than six months and not to exceed one year. The building official shall present his/her case file to the city council at the next regularly scheduled meeting for enactment of temporary revocation proceedings;
(D) The fourth violation of this article shall cause the building official to permanently revoke the license. The building official shall present his/her case file to the city council at the next regularly scheduled meeting for permanent revocation.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
In all cases involving revocation or suspension of a license under this article, at least 15 days notice of the contemplated revocation or suspension shall be served upon the licensee, and such notice shall indicate the time and place of the hearing, the general grounds of the contemplated action and shall advise the holder of his/her right to appear at the hearing in person or by council for the purpose of presenting his/her defense. In each case, the licensee shall not continue to perform the duties associated with the privilege of the license until the termination of the proceedings. This provision shall be waived only if a court of competent jurisdiction issues a temporary injunction against the city in such proceedings.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)