(a) The City may at any time revoke a permit issued pursuant to these regulations, on any of the same grounds listed in Section 535.07 (b) for denial of the permit.
The Safety Service Director shall promptly notify the permittee in writing of the order of revocation.
(b) When a permit is revoked, the revocation shall continue for one year.
(Ord. 45-97. Passed 8-11-97.)
(a) The City may order a building, health and safety inspection at any time there is reasonable cause to believe that an unsanitary, unsafe, or hazardous condition exists on the premises. The Safety Service Director shall notify the appropriate authorities or agencies to make such inspections at the designated times. Written reports of inspections shall be filed with the Safety-Service Director.
(b) City personnel or agents may at all reasonable times inspect permit premises to insure continued compliance with the laws of Ohio and these regulations.
(c) At any time there is reasonable cause to do so, the City may order a background investigation, including the criminal record, if any, of the permittee, person named in the application for a permit or employee of a permittee. Written report of the investigation shall be filed with the Safety-Service Director.
(Ord. 45-97. Passed 8-11-97.)
(a) The establishment shall be closed all day Sunday and further, shall not be operated between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday.
(b) All parts of the establishment shall, at all times, be maintained in a neat, clean, sanitary and safe condition.
(c) The owner, operator or person in charge of the establishment shall allow state or local authorities, including law enforcement officers, access to any and all parts of the premises for the purpose of making any building, health or safety inspection pursuant to these regulations, and shall cooperate in any background investigation.
(d) No person under age eighteen shall be employed by the establishment in any capacity, whether full-time or part-time, or with or without remuneration of compensation in any form.
(e) The owner, operator or person in charge of the establishment shall exercise adequate supervision to insure that all employees of the establishment comply at all times with these regulations and the laws of Ohio.
(f) Signs.
(1) Exterior painting. Buildings and structures shall not be painted or surfaced with garish colors or textures or any design that would simulate a sign or advertising message.
(2) Advertisements, signs or any other exhibit depicting adult entertainment activities placed within the interior of buildings or premises shall be arranged or screened to prevent public viewing from outside such buildings or premises.
(3) No outdoor loudspeakers or other outdoor sound equipment advertising or directing attention to an adult entertainment use is allowed.
(4) Upon order of the Safety-Service Director, graffiti appearing on any exterior surface of a building or premises, when graffiti is within public view, shall be removed and that surface shall be restored within seventy-two hours of notification to the owner or person in charge of the premises.
(g) No person shall operate or cause to be operated an adult entertainment business, and knowingly or with reasonable cause to know, permit, suffer or allow:
(1) Admittance of a person under eighteen years of age to the business premises unless accompanied by a parent or guardian;
(2) A person under eighteen years of age to remain at the business premises unless accompanied by a parent or guardian;
(3) A person under eighteen years of age to purchase goods or services at the business premises without the specific consent of a parent or guardian; or
(4) If the interior of the premises is visible from outside the premises, so that any matter that is harmful to minors is visible from outside the premises, the owner or manager of the premises shall install opaque covering over all windows through which minors could view any harmful matter and install a privacy curtain at all entrances of the premises through which minors could view any harmful matter.
(Ord. 45-97. Passed 8-11-97.)
(a) A person under eighteen years of age shall not accept or continue employment by an adult entertainment business establishment, in any capacity, whether full-time or part-time, or with or without remuneration or compensation in any form.
(b) No employee of the establishment, in the performance of his or her duties, shall do any of the following:
(1) Place his or her hand upon, touch with any part of his or her body, fondle in any manner, or massage the genitals, pubic area, or buttocks of any other person or the breast of any female or, if the employee is a female, of any other female, for the purpose of sexual stimulation.
(2) Perform, offer or agree to perform any act that would require the touching of the genitals, pubic area or buttocks of any other person or the breasts of any female or, if the employee is female, of any other female, for the purpose of sexual stimulation.
(3) Uncover the genitals, pubic area or buttocks of any other person or the breast of any female or, if the employee is a female, of any other female.
(Ord. 45-97. Passed 8-11-97.)
The required minimum distance between any two adult entertainment businesses or to any bar or tavern shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closed exterior structural wall of each such business. The distance between any adult entertainment business establishment and any school, public park, church, library or residential district shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior wall of the adult entertainment business to the closest property line of the school, public park, church, library or residential district.
(Ord. 45-97. Passed 8-11-97.)