The City Engineer or some other personnel of the City Engineering Office under the direction of the City Engineer shall prepare a plat of the City designating thereon the streets and location of each building and building lot and designating the number of each house, building or building lot as herein provided.
(Ord. 86-104. Passed 12-23-86.)
Each resident owner of a building and/or house in the City and/or of the occupant of each building and/or house therein owned by non-residents shall procure the proper numbers for such building and/or house and affix the same in a conspicuous place to the front of such building and/or house, with such house numbers to be clearly legible and/or able to be read from the street in front of such building and/or house and such numbers shall be not less than three inches in height. It shall be the duty of any person hereafter erecting any building or house in this City, within ten days after the issuance of a building permit therefore, to procure the proper numbers and affix the same to such new building and/or house.
(Ord. 87-6. Passed 6-27-87.)