(A) It shall be unlawful if an owner:
(1) Fails to provide adequate food and/or water for any animal;
(2) Fails to provide adequate medical attention for any sick, diseased or injured animal; or
(3) Fails to provide adequate shelter for an animal wherein the animal can be protected from extremes of weather (heat, cold, rain and the like).
(B) It shall be unlawful if any person:
(1) Overworks or overdrives any animal causing physical pain, suffering or death;
(2) Beats, tortures, injures, torments, poisons or mutilates any animal causing physical pain, suffering or death;
(3) Promotes, stages, holds, manages, conducts, carries on or attends any game, contest, fight or combat between one or more animals or between animals and humans;
(4) Conveys any type of animal in a motor vehicle or in a wagon or trailer pulled by a motor vehicle, or in the back of a truck in such a way as to cause physical pain, suffering or death to the animal; or
(5) Places or confines any animal or allows an animal to be placed or confined in a motor vehicle under such conditions or for such a period of time as to endanger the health or well-being of the animal due to temperature, lack of food or drink, or such other conditions as may reasonably be expected to cause suffering or death.
(Ord. passed 8-11-1992; Ord. passed 9-8-1992) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) Transportation. Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to prohibit the humane transportation of horses, cattle, sheep, poultry or other livestock in trailers or other vehicles designed, constructed and adequate for the size and number of animals being transported.
(B) Euthanasia. Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to prohibit veterinarians from euthanizing dangerous, unwanted, injured or diseased animals in a humane manner.
(Ord. passed 8-11-1992; Ord. passed 9-8-1992)