§ 35.040 MEETINGS.
   (A)   The Board of Sanitation shall convene at a regular meeting once monthly without notice or call. Regular meetings shall be held on the first Monday of the month. The meeting time of the Board of Sanitation shall be at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers or such other publicly accessible location within the city as determined by the Board and announced at a prior regular meeting. In the event the day of any regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, the regular meeting of the Board of Sanitation shall be held at 6:00 p.m. the day following the holiday.
   (B)   Special meetings of the Sanitation Board may be called by the Mayor upon at least three days’ notice in writing of the time and purpose of the meeting. All or any member of the Board may waive notice of any special meeting in writing or by signing a copy of the minutes of the meeting.
('67 Code, § 30.04) (Ord. 1-l961, passed
1-16-61; Am. Ord. 3-1972, passed 5-15-72; Am. Ord. 1-2004, passed 1-21-04; Am. Ord. 6-2004, passed 12-6-04; Am. Ord. 2, 2011, passed 4- -11)
   Sanitation Department, see § 35.115