R-2 One-Family Medium Density Residence District
1145.01    Principal permitted uses.
1145.02    Conditional uses.
1145.03    Accessory uses.
1145.04    Lot area, lot frontage, lot depth and living area requirements.
1145.05    Height regulations.
1145.06    Yard requirements.
1145.07    Supplemental regulations.
      Zoning applies to housing projects - see Ohio R.C. 3735.44
      Sign regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1179
      Off-street parking and loading regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1181
      Dwelling groups - see P. & Z. 1185.12 et seq.
      Height, area and use exceptions and modifications - see P. & Z. TITLE THIRTEEN
      Garbage and incinerator disposal units - see BLDG. 1321.02
      Landscaping - see BLDG. Ch. 1325