(a) As used in this section:
(1) "Studded tire" means any tire designed for use on a vehicle, and equipped with metal studs or studs of wear-resisting material that project beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire.
(2) "Traction engine" or "tractor" applies to all self-propelling engines equipped with metal-tired wheels operated or propelled by any form of engine, motor or mechanical power.
(b) No person shall drive over the improved streets of this Municipality a traction engine or tractor with tires or wheels equipped with ice picks, spuds, spikes, chains or other projections of any kind extending beyond the cleats, or no person shall tow or in any way pull another vehicle over the improved streets of this Municipality, which towed or pulled vehicle has tires or wheels equipped with ice picks, spuds, spikes, chains or other projections of any kind.
(c) (1) Except as provided in subsection (c)(2) hereof, no person shall operate any motor vehicle, other than a public safety vehicle or bus, that is equipped with studded tires on any street or highway, except during the period extending from November 1 of each year through April 15 of the succeeding year.
(2) A person may operate a motor vehicle that is equipped with retractable studded tires with the studs retracted at any time of the year, but shall operate the motor vehicle with the studs extended only as provided in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
(d) This section does not apply to the use of tire chains when there is snow or ice on the streets or highways where such chains are being used, or in the immediate vicinity thereof. (ORC 5589.08, 5589.081)
No person shall occupy any travel trailer or manufactured or mobile home while it is being used as a conveyance upon a street or highway.
(ORC 4511.701)
440.09 (RESERVED).
(a) Any police officer having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle and its load is unlawful may require the driver of such vehicle to stop and submit to a weighing of it by means of a compact, self-contained, portable, sealed scale, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways; a sealed scale permanently installed in a fixed location, having a load-receiving element specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of highway vehicles; a sealed scale, permanently installed in a fixed location, having a load-receiving element specially adapted to determining the combined load of all wheels on a single axle or on successive axles of a highway vehicle; or a sealed scale adapted to weighing highway vehicles, loaded or unloaded. The driver of such vehicle shall, if necessary, be directed to proceed to the nearest available of such sealed scales to accomplish the weighing, provided such scales are within three miles of the point where such vehicle is stopped. Any vehicle stopped in accordance with this section may be held by the police officer for a reasonable time only to accomplish the weighing as prescribed by this section. All scales used in determining the lawful weight of a vehicle and its load shall be annually compared by a municipal, County or State sealer with the State standards or standards approved by the State and such scales shall not be sealed if they do not conform to the State standards or standards approved by the State.
(b) At each end of a permanently installed scale, there shall be a straight approach in the same plane as the platform, of sufficient length and width to insure the level positioning of vehicles during weight determinations.
(c) During determination of weight by compact, self-contained, portable, sealed scales, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways, they shall always be used on terrain of sufficient length and width to accommodate the entire vehicle being weighed. Such terrain shall be level or, if not level, it shall be of such elevation that the difference in elevation between the wheels on any one axle does not exceed two inches and the difference in elevation between axles being weighed does not exceed one-fourth inch per foot of the distance between such axles.
(d) In the determination of all weights, except gross weight, by compact, self- contained, portable, sealed scales, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways, all successive axles, twelve feet or less apart, shall be weighed simultaneously by placing one such scale under the outside wheel of each such axle. In determinations of gross weight by the use of compact, self-contained, portable, sealed scales, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways, all axles shall be weighed simultaneously by placing one such scale under the outside wheel of each axle.
(e) Whenever such officer upon weighing a vehicle and load determines that the weight is unlawful, he may require the driver to stop the vehicle in a suitable place and remain standing until such portion of the load is removed as is necessary to reduce the weight of such vehicle to the limit permitted under Section 440.01.
(ORC 4513.33; Ord. 1968-40. Passed 4-1-68.)
(a) No person shall operate any motor truck, bus or commercial tractor upon any highway within the City at any time from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise unless there is carried in such vehicle, except as provided in subsection (b), the following equipment which shall be of the types approved by the Ohio Director of Transportation:
(1) At least three flares or three red reflectors or three red electric lanterns, each of which shall be capable of being seen and distinguished at a distance of 500 feet under normal atmospheric conditions at night time.
(2) At least three red-burning fusees, unless red reflectors or red electric lanterns are carried.
(3) At least two red cloth flags, not less than twelve inches square, with standards to support same.
(4) The type of red reflectors shall comply with such standards and specifications in effect on September 16, 1963, or later, established by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and must be certified as meeting such standards by Underwriter's Laboratories.
(b) No person shall operate, at the time and under the conditions stated in subsection (a), any motor vehicle used in transporting flammable liquids in bulk, or transporting compressed flammable gases, unless there is carried in such vehicle three red electric lanterns or three red reflectors meeting the requirements stated above and there shall not be carried in any such vehicle any flares, fusees or signal produced by a flame.
(c) This section does not apply to any person who operates any motor vehicle in a work area designated by protection equipment devices that are displayed and used in accordance with the manual adopted by the Ohio Department of Transportation under Ohio R.C. 4511.09.
(ORC 4513.27)
(a) Whenever any motor truck, bus, commercial tractor, trailer, semitrailer or pole trailer is disabled upon the traveled portion of any highway, or the shoulder thereof, or upon any freeway, expressway, thruway and connecting, entering or exiting ramps, within the City at any time when lighted lights are required on vehicles, the operator of such vehicle shall display the following warning devices upon the street or highway during the time the vehicle is so disabled on the street or highway except as provided in subsection (b) hereof:
(1) A lighted fusee shall be immediately placed on the roadway at the traffic side of such vehicle, unless red electric lanterns or red reflectors are displayed.
(2) Within the burning period of the fusee and as promptly as possible, three lighted flares (pot torches) or three red electric lanterns or three red reflectors shall be placed on the roadway as follows:
A. One at a distance of forty paces or approximately 100 feet in advance of the vehicle;
B. One at a distance of forty paces or approximately 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle, except as hereinafter provided, each in the center of the lane of traffic occupied by the disabled vehicle;
C. One at the traffic side of the vehicle.
(b) Whenever any vehicle used in transporting flammable liquids in bulk, or transporting compressed flammable gases, is disabled upon a highway at any time or place mentioned in subsection (a) hereof, the driver of such vehicle shall display upon the roadway the following warning devices:
(1) One red electric lantern or one red reflector shall be immediately placed on the roadway at the traffic side of the vehicle;
(2) Two other red electric lanterns or two other red reflectors shall be placed to the front and rear of the vehicle in the same manner prescribed in subsection (a) above.
(c) When a vehicle of a type specified in subsection (b) hereof is disabled, the use of flares, fusees or any signal produced by flame as a warning signal is prohibited.
(d) Whenever any vehicle of a type referred to in this section is disabled upon the traveled portion of a highway, or the shoulder thereof, or upon any freeway, expressway, thruway and connecting, entering or exiting ramps, at any time when the display of fusees, flares, red reflectors or electric lanterns is not required, the operator of such vehicle shall display two red flags upon the roadway in the lane of traffic occupied by the disabled vehicle, one at a distance of forty paces or approximately 100 feet in advance of the vehicle, and one at a distance of forty paces or approximately 100 feet to the rear to the vehicle, except as hereinafter provided.
(e) The flares, fusees, lanterns, red reflectors and flags to be displayed as required in this section shall conform with the requirements of Section 440.11 applicable thereto.
(f) In the event the vehicle is disabled near a curve, crest of a hill or other obstruction of view, the flare, flag, reflector or lantern in that direction shall be so placed as to afford ample warning to other users of the highway but in no case less than forty paces or approximately 100 feet nor more than 120 paces or approximately 300 feet from the disabled vehicle.
(g) This section does not apply to the operator of any vehicle in a work area designated by protection equipment devices that are displayed and used in accordance with the manual adopted by the Ohio Department of Transportation under Ohio R.C. 4511.09.
(ORC 4513.28)
Drivers of vehicles described in this chapter shall be required, upon request by a police officer, to give full and true information as to the route they are following and the name of the consignor and consignee and place of delivery or removal and the location of any consignment being hauled or goods being removed, and upon a designation by such police officer of a route to be followed, shall immediately adopt and pursue such route.
(Ord. 1969-54. Passed 7-7-69.)
(a) The operator of a chauffeured limousine shall accept passengers only on the basis of prearranged contracts, as defined in Section 402.075, and shall not cruise in search of patronage unless the limousine is in compliance with any statute or ordinance governing the operation of taxicabs or other similar vehicles for hire.
(b) No person shall advertise or hold himself or herself out as doing business as a limousine service or livery service or other similar designation unless each vehicle used by him or her to provide the service is registered in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4503.24, and is in compliance with Ohio R.C. 4509.80.
(ORC 4511.85)