Commercial and Heavy Vehicles
440.01   Load limits.
440.02   Maximum width, height and length.
440.03   Wheel protectors.
440.04   Vehicles transporting explosives.
440.05   Towing requirements.
440.06   Loads dropping or leaking; tracking mud; removal required.
440.07   Vehicles with spikes, lugs and chains.
440.08   Occupying a moving trailer or manufactured or mobile home.
440.09   (Reserved)
440.10   Weighing vehicle and removal of excess load.
440.11   Extra signal equipment.
440.12   Warning devices on disabled vehicles.
440.13   Shifting load; loose loads.  (Repealed)
440.14   Route and load information.
440.15   Chauffeured limousines.
440.16   Liability for damages; prosecution; application of moneys.
440.17   Unlawful operation; Tax Commissioner to be notified.
440.99   Penalty.
      See section histories for similar State law
      Display of certificates of registration - see Ohio R.C. 4549.18
      Arrest notice of drivers - see Ohio R.C. 5577.14
      Riding on outside of vehicle or in cargo storage area - see TRAF. 416.06
      Truck loading zones - see TRAF. 452.09
      Parking commercial vehicles in residential areas - see TRAF. 452.14