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   (a)    Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, no pedestrian shall walk along and upon an adjacent roadway.
   (b)    Where a sidewalk is not available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder, as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway.
   (c)    Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk as near as practicable to an outside edge of the roadway and, if on a two-way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway.
   (d)    Except as otherwise provided in Sections 414.03 and 416.01, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (ORC 4511.50)
   (a)    No person while on a roadway outside a safety zone shall solicit a ride from the driver of any vehicle.
   (b)    No person shall stand on a highway for the purpose of soliciting employment, business or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle.
   (c)    No person shall hang onto, or ride on the outside of, any motor vehicle while it is moving upon a roadway, except mechanics or test engineers making repairs or adjustments, or workers performing specialized highway or street maintenance or construction under authority of a public agency.
   (d)    No operator shall knowingly permit any person to hang onto, or ride on the outside of, any motor vehicle while it is moving upon a roadway, except mechanics or test engineers making repairs or adjustments, or workers performing specialized highway or street maintenance or construction under authority of a public agency.
   (e)    No driver of a truck, trailer or semitrailer shall knowingly permit any person who has not attained the age of sixteen years to ride in the unenclosed or unroofed cargo storage area of his or her vehicle if the vehicle is traveling faster than twenty-five miles per hour, unless either of the following applies:
      (1)   The cargo storage area of the vehicle is equipped with a properly secured seat to which is attached a seat safety belt that is in compliance with Federal standards for an occupant restraining device, as defined in Section 438.29(a)(2), the seat and seat safety belt were installed at the time the vehicle was originally assembled, and the person riding in the  cargo storage area is in the seat and is wearing the seat safety belt.
      (2)    An emergency exists that threatens the life of the driver or the person being transported in the cargo storage area of the truck, trailer or semitrailer.
   (f)   No driver of a truck, trailer or semitrailer shall permit any person, except for those workers performing specialized highway or street maintenance or construction under authority of a public agency, to ride in the cargo storage area or on a tailgate of his or her vehicle while the tailgate is unlatched. (ORC 4511.51)
   (a)    No pedestrian shall enter or remain upon any bridge or approach thereto beyond the bridge signal gate or barrier after a bridge operation signal indication has been given.
   (b)    No pedestrian shall pass through, around, over or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad grade crossing or bridge while the gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed. (ORC 4511.511)
   (a)    Upon the immediate approach of a public safety vehicle, as stated in Section 432.19, every pedestrian shall yield the right of way to the public safety vehicle.
   (b)    Subsection (a) hereof shall not relieve the driver of a public safety vehicle from the duty to exercise due care to avoid collision with any pedestrian. (ORC 4511.452)
   (a)   The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian on a sidewalk.
   (b)   If the offender commits the offense while distracted and the distracting activity is a contributing factor to the commission of the offense, the offender is subject to the additional fine established under Section 404.991 of the Traffic Code. 
(ORC 4511.441)
   416.10  INTOXICATION.
   No pedestrian who is under the influence of alcohol or any drug of abuse, or any combination thereof, to a degree which renders himself a hazard, shall walk or be upon a highway. (ORC 4511.481)
   No person shall run or jog on a public street within the City during the time from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, or at any time when there are unfavorable atmospheric conditions, or when there is not sufficient natural light to render discernible persons, vehicles and substantial objects on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead, unless such person is wearing reflective clothing of not less than thirty-six square inches on the front and thirty-six square inches on the back, which reflective clothing is able to be seen at a distance of 500 feet, under normal atmospheric conditions, by the use of automobile headlights required by Section 438.02.  (Ord. 1985-14. Passed 1-21-85.)
     Every person operating a motorized wheelchair shall have all of the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian that are contained in this chapter, except those provisions which by their nature can have no application. (ORC 4511.491)
   (a)   (1)   Electric personal assistive mobility devices may be operated on the public streets, highways, sidewalks, and paths and portions of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles in accordance with this section.
      (2)   Except as otherwise provided in this section, those sections of this Traffic Code that by their nature are applicable to an electric personal assistive mobility device apply to the device and the person operating it whenever it is operated upon any public street, highway, sidewalk, or path or upon any portion of a roadway set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
   (b)   No operator of an electric personal assistive mobility device shall do any of the following:
      (1)   Fail to yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians and human-powered vehicles at all times;
      (2)   Fail to give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian;
      (3)   Operate the device at night unless the device or its operator is equipped with or wearing both of the following:
         A.   A lamp pointing to the front that emits a white light visible from a distance of not less than five hundred feet;
         B.   A red reflector facing the rear that is visible from all distances from one hundred feet to six hundred feet when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps on a motor vehicle.
      (4)   Operate the device on any portion of a street or highway that has an established speed limit of fifty-five miles per hour or more;
      (5)   Operate the device upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of pedestrians or other specialized use when an appropriate sign giving notice of the specialized use is posted on the path;
      (6)   If under eighteen years of age, operate the device unless wearing a protective helmet on the person’s head with the chin strap properly fastened;
      (7)   If under sixteen years of age, operate the device unless, during the operation, the person is under the direct visual and audible supervision of another person who is eighteen years of age or older and is responsible for the immediate care of the person under sixteen years of age.
   (c)   No person who is under fourteen years of age shall operate an electric personal assistive mobility device.
   (d)   No person shall distribute or sell an electric personal assistive mobility device unless the device is accompanied by a written statement that is substantially equivalent to the following: “WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY, USE ONLY WHILE WEARING FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - HELMET, WRIST GUARDS, ELBOW PADS, AND KNEE PADS”.  (ORC 4511.512)
   (e)   “Electric personal assistive mobility device” means a self-balancing two non-tandem wheeled device that is designed to transport only one person, has an electric propulsion system of an average of seven hundred fifty watts, and when ridden on a paved level surface by an operator who weighs one hundred seventy pounds has a maximum speed of less than twenty miles per hour.  (ORC 4501.01)