416.01   Duties of pedestrians and drivers at crosswalks. 
416.02   Right of way of blind person.
416.03   Right of way yielded by pedestrian; crossing  roadways.
416.04   Moving in crosswalks.
416.05   Walking on sidewalks and streets.
416.06   Soliciting rides or business; riding on outside of vehicle or in cargo storage area.
416.07   Passing through bridge signals or railroad barriers.
416.08   Right of way of public safety  vehicles.
416.09   Right of way on sidewalks.
416.10   Intoxication.
416.11   Running or jogging on streets.
416.12   Motorized wheelchair operators.
416.13   Electric personal assisistve mobility device.
416.99   Penalty.
         See section histories for similar State law
         Pedestrians prohibited on freeways - see TRAF. 412.05
         Obedience to traffic control devices - see TRAF. 414.01
         Pedestrian control signals - see TRAF. 414.05
         Opening doors on side available to traffic - see TRAF. 452.07