Professional Design Firms and Construction Managers
169.01   Ohio Design Professional Selection Law waived.
169.02   Procedure.
   The City shall be exempt from the provisions of Ohio R.C. 153.65 through 153.71, which are waived and inapplicable.
(Ord.  1998-59.  Passed 2-17-98.)
   169.02  PROCEDURE.
   Notwithstanding the provisions of Ohio R.C. 9.33,  9.331, 9.332 and 153.65 through 153.71, inclusive, and any other provisions of the Ohio Revised Code which may conflict with or are inconsistent with the provisions of this section, the following provisions shall govern the selection and retention of professional design firms and construction managers by the City:
   (a)   All contracts for professional design firms and construction managers in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or more shall be awarded on the basis of qualifications of the potential contractor and price, as determined by Council.  Prospective contractors shall submit proposals in accordance with the instructions and specifications of the City.  These proposals shall include the price.  The City may reject any and all proposals.  The Mayor shall recommend to Council the lowest and best bid proposal, based on the qualifications and experience of the contractor, price and other relevant factors.  These procedures are not intended to be formal bidding requirements, but rather an informal procedure to determine the best contractor to whom a contract should be awarded.
   (b)   In addition to complying with the above and other existing City ordinances and Charter provisions governing contracts and purchases generally, Council is authorized to establish such further procedures as are deemed to be in the City’s best interests for the selection of such design professionals and construction managers.
      (Ord.  1998-59.  Passed 2-17-98.)