1. Readings.
All Ordinances and Resolutions, sometimes referred to as legislation, shall be read in full or by title only on three (3) separate days, unless Council, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of its members, suspends this rule and provides for a lesser or greater number of days.
2. Final Passage.
The final passage date of all Ordinances and Resolutions shall be on (1) the date the legislation is approved by the Mayor; (2) the date of the override of a Mayor's veto by Council, if disapproved; or (3) the last date the Mayor was eligible to sign the Ordinance or Resolution if the Mayor neither approves nor disapproves it.
3. Effective Date.
Ordinances (1) for the appropriation of money, (2) for providing for tax levies or (3) for improvements petitioned for by a majority of the owners of the property to be assessed, and (4) emergency or urgent measures declared by Council to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety or the efficient operation of the City, shall go into immediate effect, provided, however, that in the case of emergency or urgent measures, the reasons for the emergency or urgency shall be set forth in one section of the Ordinance or Resolution, and such emergency or urgent measures shall require a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of Council for passage. No other Ordinance or Resolution shall go into effect until thirty (30) days after its final passage.
4. Emergency or Urgent Legislation Not Permitted.
No legislation authorizing or providing for any (1) change in the zoning of any land or zoning regulations, (2) change in the boundaries of the City, (3) the surrender or joint exercise of any of its powers, (4) the granting of any franchise or (5) the compensation for elected officials, shall be passed as an emergency or urgent measure.