Sec. 5. Procedure.
   1.   Council President to Preside at Council Meetings.
     The Council President shall preside over all Regular and Special Council meetings and meetings of the Committee of the Whole.
   2.   Quorum.     
   A majority of the members of Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members.
   3.   Council Duties.
   Council shall, by Ordinance, Resolution or, when appropriate, by Motion, make provision for:
           (A)     The time and place of Regular and Special Council meetings, providing for at least two (2) regular Council meetings in each calendar month, except that Council may provide for only one (1) Regular Council meeting per month during the months of June, July and August, when a quorum will not be present or when Council has no agenda.
            (B)     The form and method of enacting Ordinances and Resolutions. Ordinances shall not contain more than one (1) subject or related subjects, which shall be clearly stated in the title, except for general appropriation Ordinances.
            (C)       The manner of giving any public notice of the enactment of legislation and other City proceedings which it deems proper to publish, and the printing, publishing and distribution of information of general interest at the expense of the City, as Council shall determine, provided that such information shall not express an opinion or promote any person, position or group of persons or any idea, theory or viewpoint of a political nature.
      (D)     The procedure for making public improvements, for levying assessments, provided that two (2) or more public improvements, including the levying of assessments therefor, may be combined in one (1) proceeding if Council finds that it will be economical and practical to undertake said improvements jointly; and the procedure for the reduction of unpaid installments and the return of paid installments of assessments levied in larger amounts than necessary to pay for public improvements.
      (E)       The advertising and awarding of contracts.
            (F)     The appointment or employment of:
                 (1)     An Auditor,  a Law Director, Assistant Law Directors and other Attorneys at Law under contract with the City.
                         (2)     Consultants to advise and assist the Mayor, Council or any Board, Commission, Committee or Department of the City regarding City issues.
            (G)     The enforcement of attendance by Councilmembers,  Directors, and City employees at its meetings; the removal of members of Boards and Commissions who either fail to attend Regular or Special meetings of the Board or Commission on which the member is serving or for other just cause; and the removal of Directors and Chiefs for just cause.
   The removal of members of Boards and Commissions or of Directors and Chiefs shall require not less than fifteen (15) days written notice of the Regular or Special Council meeting where such removal is proposed and an opportunity for the member or Director to be heard at such meeting. An order of removal shall require a three-fourths vote of Council for passage and is not subject to veto by the Mayor.
            (H)     The requirement that the Directors  and City employees attend all Council meetings, when requested to attend by Council, and participate in all discussions relating to their respective Departments.
      (I)     Such legislation, rules and/or regulations, or other acts as Council shall require to implement the Charter or any requirement of Council.
            (J)     The manner of keeping a record of Council's proceedings and the establishment of rules, regulations and voting requirements of Council and each of the Boards and Commissions created by Charter or by Council, other than the Civil Service Commission, unless otherwise provided in this Charter.