   1153.04  LOCATION.
   (a)   Residential U1-A1, U1-A2 and U-2A Zoning Districts.  Satellite dish antennas and required support structures in excess of thirty-nine inches (39") in diameter shall not be affixed to any main or accessory building.  Antennas placed on the ground shall be located in the rear yard area, as defined in Section 1101.42(b).  No part of any ground antenna, however turned or otherwise used, shall be located within five feet (5') of any building nor ten feet (10') from any lot line.
   (b)   Districts Other Than U1-A1, U1-A2 and U-2A.  Antennas shall be an accessory use to the principal use of tenants or occupants who lease not less than 1,000 square feet in the same building.
      (1)   Rooftop installations.  The antenna and required support structure shall not be closer than twenty feet (20') from the coping wall or exterior facing and shall be designed to withstand winds as required by the Building Code, and shall not create undue loading or stress on building components.  An antenna shall not be closer than reasonably necessary to another antenna, a distance to be determined by the Architectural Board of Review using accepted engineering standards.
      (2)   Other than rooftop installations.  Antennas shall be accessory to the main use of the building and located on the same plot of land as the building, in the rear yard, as defined in Section 1101.42(b).  No part of any antenna, however turned or otherwise used, shall be located within twenty feet  (20') of any building or lot line.  Each freestanding installation shall have an adequate base in conformance with the manufacturer's specifications and the Building Code.
         (Ord.  2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   The height of a satellite dish antenna, when turned perpendicular to the ground or roof, including its supporting structure, shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') above the concrete pad, natural grade or roof deck. The maximum diameter of any satellite dish antenna shall be twelve feet (12').  (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   1153.06  SCREENING.
   Satellite dish antennas shall be adequately screened from view from all public streets and adjoining property, to the extent that the Architectural Board of Review determines to be reasonable, depending on the zoning classification of abutting properties and other applicable factors.  Each dish shall, to the extent possible, be harmonious in color with the building surface to which it is attached.  The Board shall direct the applicant to provide adequate landscaping, if a ground application is approved, or other screening if another location is approved. The Board shall have continuing jurisdiction and authority to require adjustments or relocation of any antenna and to require additional screening and/or landscaping, as it shall determine. Prior to any order of the Board directing an adjustment, antenna relocation, or change in the screening and/or landscaping, the Board shall provide the owner with reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. The antenna and all required landscaping or screening shall be maintained to meet the minimum standards approved by the Board.
(Ord.  2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   1153.07  MAINTENANCE.
   Dished satellite antennas and support structures shall be maintained in good repair and structurally sound to ensure that the antenna and structure will not be damaged due to winds or structural failure. All surfaces shall be maintained in good condition, free of rust, peeling paint or corrosion. (Ord.  2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   Dished satellite antennas smaller than thirty-nine inches (39") in diameter shall be permitted in all Districts provided such dish structures comply with the following criteria, which are hereby established to protect the health and safety of residents and motorists, by providing for safe installations of dish structures which do not constitute hazards to persons or properties, which do not obstruct vehicular sight lines, and which are consistent with and preserve the established aesthetic character of the City:
   (a)   All freestanding installations shall be located in compliance with the front setback regulations for the zoning district in which such installations are located.  On corner lots, dishes shall also comply with the setback requirements from the side street;
   (b)   Freestanding installations shall have an adequate base in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for installation; and
   (c)   All wiring for satellite dish antennas shall meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code and manufacturer's specifications to minimize the safety hazards associated with exposed wiring.
   No building permit is required for dished satellite antennas which are less than thirty-nine inches (39") in diameter.  (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)