Application for plan review of the location of a satellite dish antenna shall be made to the Architectural Board of Review. Such application shall include plans and specifications for the installation and shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee to cover the cost of such examination and review. Plans shall indicate antenna specifications, materials, complete dimensions, support structure details, proposed location in relation to surrounding buildings, lot lines, utility wires and screening and that the antenna is an accessory use only to a permitted use located in the main building on the same lot as the antenna. Upon approval of such plans by the Board, an application for a building permit may be made to the Building Commissioner. The Board shall disapprove any plan not in conformance with the standards set forth herein or upon a finding that any installation is contrary to accepted architectural and/or engineering standards. The Board shall require each applicant to provide such engineering documentation as the Board requires, demonstrating compliance with engineering and building standards, and evidence that the antenna shall be designed to withstand winds as required by the Building Code.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)