1147.01  PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the regulation of uses, structures, and lots lawfully established prior to the enactment of this Code and amendments hereto but which do not conform to the existing provisions hereof.  Such lawfully established uses, structures, and lots may be continued, despite their nonconforming conditions, subject to the provisions of this Code which provide for their completion and continued use, but also provide for reasonable regulation of their restoration, reconstruction, extension, and substitution.  While it is the intent of this Chapter to permit such nonconforming conditions to continue until abandoned, removed, or abated, a nonconformity is deemed incompatible with currently permitted uses and requirements in the zoning district and should be discouraged, especially where such nonconformity constitutes a nuisance or hazard.  (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)