(a) Area of Signs. The total area of all permanent Signs for each use, parcel, building, or land under common ownership or control shall not exceed three (3) square feet for each lineal foot of the building wall or facade which faces the principal street or contains the main entrance as determined by the Building Commissioner up to eighty lineal feet (80') and one (1) square foot of each additional lineal foot of building wall or facade in excess of eighty feet (80').
(b) Secondary Entrances. Buildings or parcels having frontage or a facade facing a second street, may increase the permitted total sign area for permanent Signs as calculated herein by twenty-five percent (25%).
(c) Permanent Signs. Total permanent Sign area may be allocated to any or all of the following Sign types subject to the restrictions and requirements set forth herein:
(1) Wall Signs. Wall Signs shall not project more than eighteen inches (18") in front of the building wall to which they are attached nor shall more than twenty percent (20%) of the Sign's total height be extended above the top of the wall.
(2) Marquee Signs. Marquee Signs may extend above the face or topside, but the vertical dimension of such Sign, including the exposed portion of the face, shall not exceed four feet (4').
(3) Monument Signs. Each use, parcel, building, or land under common ownership or control shall be permitted one (1) Monument Sign which shall not exceed forty (40) square feet in area nor eight feet (8') in height. Parcels which have frontage on two (2) or more streets may have a second Monument Sign provided that the second Monument Sign is located on a different street and does not exceed forty (40) square feet in area nor eight feet (8') in height. Monument Signs shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from all property boundary lines and the public right-of-way, and shall be located a minimum of twenty-five feet (25') from any residential zoning district line. Each Monument Sign shall be so designed and constructed of such materials as to be compatible with the architectural treatment of the principal building. The base and foundation of each Monument Sign shall be landscaped with plant material as approved by the Building Commissioner.
(4) Window Signs. Window Signs shall be limited to one (1) such sign per use or tenant which Sign shall not exceed a maximum of four (4) square feet in area.
(5) Pole Signs. One (1) Pole Sign shall be permitted on a parcel which contains a permitted U-9 use and which directly abuts the freeway right-of-way. Pole Signs shall not exceed fifty feet (50') in height or three hundred (300) square feet in area per Sign face. The maximum number of faces on any Pole Sign shall be two (2). Pole Signs shall be setback a minimum of twenty feet (20') from any property line and must be located a minimum of two hundred feet (200') from any other Pole Sign. Such Pole Signs shall only be used to identify or advertise U-9 uses. Pole Signs shall not be calculated as part of the maximum area of permitted signage under Section 1141.16(a).
(6) Changeable Copy Signs. Automobile agencies with new and used vehicle sales and service shall be permitted one (1) permanent Monument Changeable Copy Sign with a maximum of two (2) faces which shall not exceed forty (40) square feet in area per face and which shall not exceed a maximum of eight feet (8') in total height. Said Sign shall be in addition to such other signage as may be authorized herein, and shall not be included in the calculation of maximum Sign area. Such Sign shall be placed on a permanent foundation and may be illuminated.
(d) Temporary Signs.
(1) One (1) Temporary Sign, which may be either a Wall or free-standing Sign, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area shall be permitted for each lot for not more than two (2) thirty (30) day periods per year. Free-standing Signs shall not exceed six feet (6') in height nor shall such Signs be located less than ten feet (10') from the public right-of-way line of any street or any side lot line.
(2) One (1) Temporary, free-standing Sign may be erected on a site during construction or reconstruction of a building for which a valid building permit has been obtained. Such Sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet in area nor eight feet (8') in height. Each such Sign shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from the right-of-way line of any street or any side lot line and shall be removed within five (5) days of issuance of an Occupancy Permit by the Building Commissioner.
(3) One (1) Temporary, free-standing Sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in area and six feet (6') in height may be erected on a site indicating the availability of said site for sale or lease. A permit shall be obtained from the Building Commissioner for each such Sign, however, said Signs shall not require the approval of the Architectural Review Board
(e) Wayfinding Signs. Buildings, lots, and parcels with multiple tenants and/or uses may submit a Wayfinding Signage plan to the Commission as part of the Site Development Plan review process. The may, at its sole discretion, authorize the installation of Wayfinding Signs where it deems their use necessary and/or appropriate for guiding traffic flow on the site. Wayfinding Signs approved by the Commission shall not be counted as part of the total permitted Sign area as set forth in subsections (a) and (b) hereof. The number, size, height, and location of Wayfinding Signs shall be as authorized by the Commission, provided however, that no such signs shall exceed a maximum of thirty (30) square feet in area or eight feet (8') in height.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)