(a) All interior walls, ceilings, and floors of every rental structure shall be maintained free of holes, large cracks or any loose, damaged or deteriorated material.
(b) The floors of all bathrooms and water closet compartments shall have a cove base at all walls and partitions. Floor surfaces and cove base shall be of nonabsorbent materials with moisture-resistant joints.
(c) Any hanging, damaged, deteriorated or missing interior trim or framing shall be repaired or replaced.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(a) All rental units shall be maintained free from sources of breeding, harborage and infestation by insects, vermin, or rodents.
(b) All firewood shall be stored no less than twelve (12) inches above the ground surface.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(a) Exterior property areas of all rental units shall be maintained and kept free of any debris, objects, materials, or conditions that create a health, accident or fire hazard, or that constitute a public nuisance, or have a blighting or deteriorating influence on the neighborhood; including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Debris, litter, and refuse that is not stored in an approved container.
(2) Nonfunctional motor vehicles or motor vehicles that do not have current automobile registration tags and are not stored in an enclosed structure.
(3) Dilapidated or unusable furniture, or furniture, appliances, or fixtures designed for interior use.
(4) Clothing, rugs, rags, or other materials hung on lines or other places between the front setback and the street.
(5) Lawn grass that has been allowed to grow over eight (8) inches in height.
(6) Noxious weeds and/or diseased trees.
(7) Lawn vegetation shall cover entire yard except for paved areas.
(b) Every rental unit shall have the correct street number of such dwelling prominently displayed so that it is clearly visible at all times from the street in front of the property. The numbers shall be Arabic numerals, not script, and must be at least three (3) inches high and in contrasting colors. Such numbers shall be placed in close proximity to the main front entrance to the dwelling.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(a) Garages shall be maintained in good repair free from health, safety and fire hazards or shall be removed and replaced as required by law.
(b) Secondary or appurtenant structures shall be maintained in good repair free from health, safety or fire hazards or shall be removed from the premises.
(c) Roofs of every secondary or appurtenant structure shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts connected to a public storm sewer or other approved means.
(d) Where foundations of secondary or appurtenant structures have deteriorated or settled to the point where wall plates or studs are rotting, they shall be replaced with foundations as required for garages under the Ohio Building Code (Residential)
(e) Asphalt garage floors are prohibited.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
Every rental unit shall be provided with direct and approved means of access and egress to the outside of the dwelling structure without passing through any part of any other dwelling unit.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
In order to (1) prevent hazards to the health, safety and welfare of occupants or the public; (2) avoid a blighting or deteriorating influence on neighborhood properties; and (3) to prevent conditions that impair or adversely affect the value of neighboring properties, the owner and/or occupant shall:
(a) Keep the interior of all rental units and every structure thereon including, but not limited to, walls, roofs, cornices, chimneys, drains, towers, porches, landings, fire escapes, stairs, windows, doors, and awnings in good repair and all surfaces thereof shall be kept painted or protected with other approved coating or material where necessary. All surfaces shall be maintained free of broken glass, loose shingles, crumbling stone or brick, peeling paint or other conditions reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance, to the end that the property itself may be preserved safely, fire hazards eliminated, and adjoining properties and the neighborhood protected from blighting influences and a diminution of property values.
(b) Keep all yards, courts or lots free from unsightly materials not appropriate to the area and debris that may cause a fire hazard or may act as a breeding place for vermin or insects.
(c) Keep the interior of all premises and every structure thereon, including electrical wire, gas, light and plumbing fixtures, walls, stairs, floors, doors and ceilings, in good repair and free of any condition that may cause a fire or safety hazard to the occupants thereof or to neighboring properties.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(a) Every rental unit that has a means of egress to a porch, deck or roof above the first floor shall be provided with an approved railing at the perimeter of the porch, deck or roof area at least thirty-six inches in height with the balustrade designed to prevent the passage of an object four inches or more in diameter.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
The Building Commissioner is hereby directed to conduct inspections of all rental units at least once every year according to a schedule established by his/her to determine compliance with this Chapter 1393. The Building Commissioner is further directed to conduct such inspections upon any change in occupancy of the rental unit. Pursuant to such schedule, the Building Commissioner shall notify the owner/agent of the rental unit to be inspected that arrangements must be made with the Building Department for an inspection appointment within thirty days of such notice. If the owner/agent or occupant refuses to consent to an inspection of the subject property, or if consent is otherwise unobtainable, the Building Commissioner or his/her designated representative shall not make such inspection without first obtaining an administrative search warrant in accordance with Section 1391.02. If a scheduled inspection is cancelled by the owner/agent or occupant upon less than twenty-four hours notice, a fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100) shall be charged, which fee must be paid before any
re-inspection is scheduled.
(Ord. 2020-72. Passed 5-18-20.)