   1393.12  SUPPLY OF HEAT.
   The owner, operator, or agent who rents or leases any dwelling unit under an agreement, express or implied, to supply or furnish heat to the occupants thereof, shall supply heat adequate to maintain an inside temperature of not less than seventy (70°) Fahrenheit in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, water closet compartments, and kitchens whenever the outside temperature falls below sixty degrees (60°) Fahrenheit. Such inside temperature shall be measured in the approximate center of each room, approximately three (3) feet above the floor. The provisions of this section shall not apply where the failure to met minimum standards is caused by a general shortage of fuel, negligent or malicious act of the occupant, or any cause beyond the control of the owner or occupant.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    Every appliance or piece of equipment burning solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel, where permitted, shall be connected to an approved smokepipe and flue. However, any appliance approved for use without such connections is exempted from the requirements of this section.
   (b)    Gas dryers shall be vented to the exterior of the building. All other dryers shall be vented to the exterior of the dwelling unless manufacturer's instructions stipulate an alternative.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   No heating equipment or appliance depending on room air for combustion, shall be located in any bedroom, bathroom, toilet room, or any room used for sleeping purposes.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   Fireplaces shall be maintained so as to be free from missing mortar and missing or broken bricks. The fireplace damper shall be maintained so as to operate properly.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    All gas-fired heating equipment, including water heaters, shall be equipped with an approved automatic main gas valve that will automatically turn off the gas supply in the event of pilot outage, or gas or electric supply failure.
   (b)    In addition to approved automatic main gas control valves, all gas-fired equipment shall have manually controlled shut-off valves.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   Every rental unit shall be equipped with approved electrical service, outlets, and fixtures, which shall be installed and maintained so as to be free of any potential source of ignition of combustible material or any potential source of electrical hazard. Such facilities shall be approved as being adequate to supply the requirements of lighting, appliances, and equipment of the structure concerned.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   Occupant. The occupant of a rental unit in any dwelling structure shall be responsible for maintaining in a clean and sanitary condition that part of the rental unit, dwelling structure or premises that he/she occupies and controls.
(Ord.  2020-72.  Passed 5-18-20.)
   (a)    All rental units and all parts thereof, both exterior and interior, shall be maintained in good repair and shall be capable of performing the function for which such structure or part or any feature thereof, was designed or intended to be used.
   (b)    All equipment and facilities appurtenant to a rental structure or unit shall be maintained in good and safe working order.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    Foundations shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
   (b)    Foundations shall be protected against the entrance of rodents and insects.
   (c)    Where parts of dwellings supported on masonry piers require substantial repair or replacement due to sagging, settling or failure of supporting piers, the same shall be replaced with a foundation conforming to Ohio Building Code (Residential).
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    Roofs shall be maintained in a weather tight condition and maintained in good repair and free of loose, damaged, deteriorated or missing roofing material. All roof flashing shall be maintained in good repair.
   (b)    Roofs shall be equipped with properly installed and maintained gutters and downspouts. Downspouts shall be connected and sealed to a public storm sewer.
   (c)    Chimneys shall be properly maintained in plumb condition, free of loose or missing bricks, deteriorated mortar joints and damaged, loose or missing chimney caps.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    All exterior walls of every rental structure shall be maintained weathertight so as to resist decay or deterioration.
   (b)    Any rental structure or secondary or appurtenant structure whose exterior surface is bare, deteriorated, ramshackle, tumble-down, decaying, disintegrating or in poor repair shall be repaired or razed.
      (1)    All buckled, rotted, decayed or decayed walls, doors, windows, porches, floors, steps, ceilings, railings, soffits, posts, sills, trim and their missing members shall be replaced and put in good condition.
      (2)    All replacements shall match and conform to original design or be replaced completely.
      (3)    All exterior wood or exterior unfinished surfaces shall be sealed and painted, or the surface covered with other approved protective coating or treated to prevent rot and decay, and conform and match the existing paint or surface covering and original design or replacement thereof. All exterior walls and surfaces shall be properly protected against the weather, where such are defective or lack weather protection, including lack of paint or surface covering, or have weathered due to lack of proper protective covering.
   (c)    Any rental structure or secondary or appurtenant structure whose exterior surface is deteriorated, decaying, disintegrating, or whose exterior surface has weathered with dirt or grime or has been impaired through peeling or flaking of the paint or other protective coating, shall be repaired, repainted or resurfaced.
      (1)    All exterior surfaces shall be replaced or repaired in good condition preparatory to repainting or coating.
      (2)    All bare exterior surfaces that are flaking or crumbling shall be replaced or sealed in a good and workmanlike manner.
      (3)    All new or repaired bare surfaces shall be painted or coated.
         (Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    All interior walls, ceilings, and floors of every rental structure shall be maintained free of holes, large cracks or any loose, damaged or deteriorated material.
   (b)    The floors of all bathrooms and water closet compartments shall have a cove base at all walls and partitions. Floor surfaces and cove base shall be of nonabsorbent materials with moisture-resistant joints.
   (c)    Any hanging, damaged, deteriorated or missing interior trim or framing shall be repaired or replaced.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    All rental units shall be maintained free from sources of breeding, harborage and infestation by insects, vermin, or rodents.
   (b)    All firewood shall be stored no less than twelve (12) inches above the ground surface.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    Exterior property areas of all rental units shall be maintained and kept free of any debris, objects, materials, or conditions that create a health, accident or fire hazard, or that constitute a public nuisance, or have a blighting or deteriorating influence on the neighborhood; including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)     Debris, litter, and refuse that is not stored in an approved container.
      (2)    Nonfunctional motor vehicles or motor vehicles that do not have current automobile registration tags and are not stored in an enclosed structure.
      (3)    Dilapidated or unusable furniture, or furniture, appliances, or fixtures designed for interior use.
      (4)    Clothing, rugs, rags, or other materials hung on lines or other places between the front setback and the street.
      (5)    Lawn grass that has been allowed to grow over eight (8) inches in height.
      (6)    Noxious weeds and/or diseased trees.
      (7)    Lawn vegetation shall cover entire yard except for paved areas.
   (b)    Every rental unit shall have the correct street number of such dwelling prominently displayed so that it is clearly visible at all times from the street in front of the property. The numbers shall be Arabic numerals, not script, and must be at least three (3) inches high and in contrasting colors. Such numbers shall be placed in close proximity to the main front entrance to the dwelling.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    Garages shall be maintained in good repair free from health, safety and fire hazards or shall be removed and replaced as required by law.
   (b)    Secondary or appurtenant structures shall be maintained in good repair free from health, safety or fire hazards or shall be removed from the premises.
   (c)    Roofs of every secondary or appurtenant structure shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts connected to a public storm sewer or other approved means.
   (d)    Where foundations of secondary or appurtenant structures have deteriorated or settled to the point where wall plates or studs are rotting, they shall be replaced with foundations as required for garages under the Ohio Building Code (Residential)
   (e)    Asphalt garage floors are prohibited.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)
   1393.27  ACCESS AND EGRESS.
   Every rental unit shall be provided with direct and approved means of access and egress to the outside of the dwelling structure without passing through any part of any other dwelling unit.
(Ord. 2009-118. Passed 10-19-09.)