Each apartment, condominium or commercial building over two stories in height shall have the respective floor numbers installed on the hallway exit doors on the stairway side.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)
No person shall perform any welding or cutting operations or use any heat producing torch or device within or upon the property of any gasoline service station.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)
Any premises within the City wherein a fire has occurred and either interior or exterior damage to a building or structure has been suffered, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Such nuisance may be summarily abated or the premises condemned for occupancy by the Fire Chief when he or she has determined that a hazard to the public health or safety exists. Prior to such abatement, the premises shall first be inspected by City inspectors or others, and each shall make a written recommendation to the Building Commissioner as to the specified work to be performed in order to properly abate such nuisance and to protect the public health and safety. The Building Commissioner shall cause a notice of nuisance abatement to be issued if he or she finds the premises to be uninhabitable and unsafe.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)
(a) Permits required by this Fire Prevention Code will be issued upon payment to the City of fees as specified herein, provided that the application for a permit is first approved by the Fire Prevention Officer.
(b) Permits and specified fees shall be required for the following:
(1) Flammable and combustible liquids storage and handling.
A. Underground tank installations - new. For each tank up to 1,000 gallons: $25.00, plus $5.00 for each additional 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof on tank capacity over 1,000 gallons.
B. Underground tank installations - existing.
1. To render existing tanks temporarily out of service (maximum ninety days as provided in this Fire Prevention Code): $25.00
2. To return temporarily out of service tanks to full service: $25.00
3. To conduct approved repairs to any tank: $25.00
4. To remove and discard any tank: $25.00
5. To conduct any in-ground tank test: $50.00
C. Temporary storage in approved portable tanks - maximum 660 gallons.
1. Initial installation and for first ninety days at a single location: $25.00 each tank.
2. Each additional thirty day period: $25.00 each tank.
D. Flammable and combustible liquid dispensing devices or remote pumps.
1. New installations in conjunction with new tanks: application fee listed in paragraph (b)(l)A. hereof, plus $5.00 for each dispenser or remote pump for attendant or self service.
2. To repair or replace existing dispenser or remote pump: $25.00
3. To convert existing dispenser or remote pump to be self- service: $25.00, plus for each dispenser or remote pump to be equipped with approved remote self-service actuator-monitor capability.
E. Note: All flammable and combustible liquid fees are cumulative with other application fees covered under other schedules (i.e. electrical fees, etc.)
(2) Fire prevention, inspection, and control administrative permits.
A. Licensure inspections (when required by other than these Codified Ordinances): $25.00
B. Witnessing required acceptance tests of newly-installed, enlarged or extended fire alarm, detection or fire suppression systems for which a permit is required under Section F-501.2 of the BOCA Fire Prevention Code:
1. Fee to witness first scheduled acceptance test attempt: $0
2. Fee to witness second test attempt (required in the event of failure to pass acceptance test on first attempt): $50.00
3. Fee to witness each subsequent acceptance test attempt: $100.00
(3) Fire safety operating/activity permits.
A. Bonfires
1. Bonfires of up to 500 cubic feet of approved fuel materials: $25.00
2. Bonfires of over 500 but less than 1,000 cubic feet of approved fuel materials (Fire Department supervision required): $75.00
Note: This fee includes the cost for one Fire Department engine company, one rescue squad and manpower for two hours.
B. Paint removal. For using a torch or other flame producing device to remove paint from a building: $25.00
C. Combustible Storage. For storage in excess of 2,500 cubic feet gross volume of combustible packing cases, boxes, rubber tires, cork, etc., upon any premises: $25.00
D. Airports, heliports, helistops and hangars. Before initiating operation of airports, heliports, helistops and hangars: $25.00
E. Application of flammable finishes. For spraying or dipping operations using more than one gallon of flammables or combustibles in a day: $25.00
F. Dry Cleaning. To operate a dry cleaning business utilizing flammable or combustible agents: $25.00
G. Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging. To perform fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging: $25.00
H. Lumber yards and woodworking plants. For the storage or use of 100,000 board feet of lumber or more: $25.00
I. Ovens and furnaces. For industrial ovens operating at atmospheric pressures and temperatures not to exceed 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, which ovens are heated with oil or gas fuel or which contain flammable vapors during operation: $25.00
J. Places of assembly. For operation of a place of assembly which can accommodate fifty or more persons: $25.00
K. Service stations and garages. To use a building, shed or enclosure as a place of business for servicing or repairing a motor vehicle: $25.00
L. Waste material handling plants. To operate a plant which processes or stores waste material: $25.00
M. Welding or cutting; calcium carbide and acetylene generators.
1. To perform welding or cutting operations: $25.00 (a permit is not required for each welding or cutting job location.)
2. For the storage of cylinders or containers used in conjunction with welding or cutting operations when more than 2,000 cubic feet aggregate quantity of flammable compressed gas (excluding LPG), 300 pounds of LPG or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed is stored: $25.00
3. For the storage of 200 pounds or more of calcium carbide: $25.00
4. For acetylene generators having a carbide capacity exceeding five pounds: $25.00
N. Cellulose nitrate motion picture film.
1. For the storage of twenty five pounds or more of cellulose nitrate motion picture film: $25.00
2. To sell or dispose of any cellulose nitrate motion picture film: $25.00
O. Cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics. For the storage or handling of twenty-five pounds or more of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics: $25.00
P. Combustible fibers. or the storage or handling of 100 cubic feet or more of combustible fibers: $25.00
Q. Compressed gases. For the storage, handling or use of more than 2,000 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas: $25.00
R. Cryogenic liquids. For the production, storage or sale of cryogenic liquids: $25.00
S. Fireworks (when permitted). For the display, sale or discharge of fireworks: $25.00
T. Flammable and combustible liquids.
1. To install, remove, repair, or alter in any way any line carrying flammable or combustible liquids: $25.00
2. For the storage, handling or use of Class I liquids in excess of five gallons in a dwelling or other place of human habitation or appurtenance thereto, or in excess of ten gallons in any other building or occupancy: $25.00, except that no permit shall be required for
a. The storage or use of flammable liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat, or in a mobile power plant or mobile heating plant; or
b. The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or similar mixtures when such liquids are stored for painting, maintenance or similar purposes upon the premises and are not stored for a period exceeding thirty days.
3. For the storage, handling or use of Class II or Class III combustible liquids in excess of twenty-five gallons in a building, or in excess of sixty gallons outside of a building, except for fuel oil being used in connection with oil burning equipment in single family residential buildings: $25.00
4. For the manufacture, processing, blending or refining of flammable or combustible liquids: $25.00
U. Hazardous materials and chemicals.
1. For the use, storage or handling of more than fifty-five gallons of corrosive liquids, more than 500 pounds of oxidizing materials, more than ten pounds of organic peroxides, more than 500 pounds of nitromethane or 1,000 pounds or more of ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers/fertilizer mixtures covered in the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code, as adopted in Section 1503.01, or any amount of highly toxic material or poisonous gas: $25.00
2. For the storage or handling of any installation of more than one micro curie of radium not contained in a sealed source, or more than one millicurie of radium or other radioactive material for which a specific license from the Untied States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) is required in accordance with nationally recognized good practice: $25.00
V. Liquefied petroleum gases.
1. For each installation of liquefied petroleum gas utilizing storage containers or 100 gallons or more individual water capacity, or with an aggregate water capacity of 100 gallons or more: $25.00
2. For each roofing, tarring or similar operation in which LPG is used as a heat source, regardless of water capacity: $25.00
W. Magnesium. For the melting, casting, heat treating, machining or grinding or more than ten pounds of magnesium in a day: $25.00
X. Matches. For the manufacture or storage of matches exceeding twenty-five cases in aggregate: $25.00
(Ord. 1997-60. Passed 3-17-97.)
The 2017 Ohio Fire Code, as adopted in Section 1503.01, is hereby amended as follows:
Section 105.7 Required Construction Permits: The Code Official is authorized to issue construction permits for work as set forth in this Section.
(Ord. 2018-127. Passed 7-16-18.)
1503.99 PENALTY.
(a) The owner, tenant, firm or corporation, or any officer of such corporation, or any other person, whether a corporation or an officer thereof or an individual, in charge of any building or premises where anything in violation of this Fire Prevention Code is placed or exists, and any person, firm or corporation who violates or causes or knowingly permits any violation of this Code in buildings or on premises under his or her control or charge, and any person, firm or corporation who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Code, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months, or both, for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(b) In addition to the penalties provided herein, the Fire Prevention Officer may suspend or revoke any permit issued under this Code by written notice.
(c) The Director of Law shall also take such legal action as may be required to enforce this Code.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)