The Fire Chief, or the Safety Director on appeal under Section 1503.05, shall have the power to reasonably modify any of the provisions of this Fire Prevention Code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee or his or her duly authorized agent when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this Code, provided that the spirit of this Code shall be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modification, when granted or allowed, and the decision of the Fire Chief or the Safety Director thereon, shall be entered upon the records of the Fire Department and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant.
(Ord 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 1503.07 was repealed by Ordinance 2002-135, passed August 5, 2002.)
Summary Abatement. Any existing incinerator may, at any time, be shut down and the firing door padlocked, chained, sealed, tagged and/or removed from the premises by order of the Fire Prevention Bureau, when immediately necessary to abate a nuisance, protect persons or property or prevent a violation of the law.
(Ord. 2002-135. Passed 8-5-02.)
Incinerators shall not be installed in, or used in conjunction with, any single-family, multi-family, apartment, office, commercial, or any other building or structure.
(Ord. 2002-135. Passed 8-5-02.)
(a) Smoke Limits. The emission within the City of smoke, from any device, equipment, smokestack or chimney of any building is hereby declared to be a nuisance and may be summarily abated by any member of the Police Department or the Fire Department, in addition to the prosecution and fine provided for in this Fire Prevention Code.
(b) Bonfires and Outdoor Rubbish or Cooking Fires. No person, tenant or leaseholder shall store any portable or outdoor grill or associated fuel, or kindle or maintain a fire to be used for preparation of food or for any other purpose in any type of outdoor or portable grill in any multifamily dwelling unit or on or below any balcony constructed in conjunction therewith or within ten feet of any structure housing more than three families.
(Ord. 2002-135. Passed 8-5-02.)
(a) All plans and specifications received by the Building Department that pertain to or involve building fire protection shall be reviewed by the Fire Prevention Officer. When such plans have been found to conform to the Fire Prevention Code and all other codes adopted by the City pertaining to fire protection and fire safety, a report by the Fire Prevention Officer, noting his observations and/or concerns shall be generated and returned to the Building Department. When plans are submitted which do not conform to such codes, a list of all violations, with their corresponding Code section numbers, shall be indicated in said report. The owner of such plans or his or her representative shall subsequently submit revised plans, addenda, or other data to show evidence of compliance with the applicable provisions of the Codes to the Building Department. If such data are not received within a reasonable length of time, not to exceed thirty days, the Building Commissioner may revoke the plan approval.
(b) The construction, erection, or alteration of a building, or any addition thereto, or the equipment and maintenance thereof, shall conform to the required plans which have been reviewed by the Fire Prevention Officer and approved by the Building Commissioner. When the Bureau of Fire Prevention finds that work or equipment is contrary to approved plans, the owner or contractor shall be notified as to where and in what respect the work or equipment does not conform to the approved plans, and the owner or contractor shall be informed that the failure to comply with the approved plans will be reported to the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 2002-135. Passed 8-5-02.)
(a) Every new and existing public, private and parochial school shall have an approved fire alarm system which shall be monitored in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Building Code.
(b) All new and existing buildings, other than one, two or three family residential buildings, equipped with fire alarm systems, shall have those systems monitored in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Building Code.
(c) No person shall silence, reset or otherwise disable in any way any fire alarm system without first obtaining permission from the City Dispatch Center.
(d) No person shall ignore a fire alarm or notification of a fire condition and fail to evacuate the premises or area of alarm annunciation without delay.
(Ord. 2002-135. Passed 8-5-02.)
Each apartment, condominium or commercial building over two stories in height shall have the respective floor numbers installed on the hallway exit doors on the stairway side.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)
No person shall perform any welding or cutting operations or use any heat producing torch or device within or upon the property of any gasoline service station.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 1-19-88.)