1317.01 Temporary driveways.
1317.02 Permit and deposit required; drainage facilities.
1317.03 Permanent driveway aprons.
Digging, excavating and piling earth on streets - see Ohio R. C. 5589.10
Driveway construction permit fee - see BLDG. 1329.03
Starting work without permit - see ADM. 143.05
Driveways for commercial structures and multiple-family dwellings -
see BLDG. 1375.11(b)
Before commencing the excavation, construction or erection of any building pursuant to a permit issued in conformity to this Building Code, the owner of the property upon which such building is to be erected, his contractor or agent, shall first install a temporary driveway upon such property of suitable gravel or slag or other material, subject to the approval of the Building Commissioner or the Assistant Building Commissioner so that trucks and vehicles driving onto and off of such property shall not collect upon their tires or wheels such dirt, mud, soil or other substances as might otherwise be deposited upon the streets of the City. Such temporary driveway shall be of such width, length and depth and of such materials as to accomplish the purpose of this Building Code, so as to protect the public streets of the City. If the Building Commissioner finds that such temporary driveway has not been constructed or maintained to accomplish such purpose, a stop-work order may be issued by the Inspector or his assistant in accordance with the provisions of this Building Code.
(1964 Code Sec. 93.11)
(a) No person shall construct any driveway, private road or other form of access to existing roads or streets within the City without first having obtained a permit therefor from the Assistant Building Commissioner.
(b) The installation of any such driveway, private road or other form of access connecting to any existing road or street within the City shall be performed and completed subject to the following provisions:
(1) There shall be provided as a part of such construction, suitable drainage facilities by means of corrugated pipe of a minimum size of twelve inches in diameter.
(2) Such drainage pipe shall be installed in the existing road ditch at approximately the center line thereof and across the entire width of such driveway or other form of access and shall extend a distance of at least two feet beyond each side of such access facility.
(3) The grade thereof shall be as determined by the Assistant Building Commissioner and the flow line of such drainage facility shall correspond to the existing flow line of such ditch.
(4) The installation thereof shall be subject at all times to the inspection and final approval of the Assistant Commissioner, who may require the installation of drainage facility pipe in excess of twelve inches in diameter in any case where such additional capacity is necessary in order to provide adequate and suitable drainage as may be determined by the City Engineer. (Ord. 2020-72. Passed 5-18-20.)
(a) Definitions.
(1) Drive apron is that portion of the driveway from the edge of City roadway pavement or curb line to the public right-of-way/property line including any sidewalk area within these limits.
(2) The abbreviation CMS refers to the Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications, latest edition.
(b) Standards. All driveway apron pavement, new or replacement shall be constructed of reinforced portland cement concrete on a prepared subbase.
(1) Reinforcement concrete materials and methods of construction shall conform to the requirements of CMS Item 451-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete with the following modifications:
A. Reinforcing steel shall be 6x6-W4xW4 (58 pounds per 100 square feet) welded steel wire fabric conforming to CMS 709.10. Steel reinforcement shall be placed at middepth of the slab thickness. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete may be used for that portion of the driveway within the public right-of-way upon submittal to and written approval of a concrete mix design by the Staff Engineer.
B. Minimum thickness of pavement shall be 6 inches for a U-1 Single Family House District. All other driveway aprons shall be a minimum of 8 inches thick.
C. The sidewalk area within the limits of the driveway apron shall be finished to obtain a sandy texture and meet depth and reinforcing requirements of the apron.
(2) Subbase materials and methods of construction shall conform to the requirements of CMS Item 304-Aggregate Base with the following modifications.
A. Subbase material shall be Size No. 8 Limestone screenings minimum 3" thick. Slag products shall not be used.
B. Subgrade shall be prepared and compacted in accordance with CMS 204-Subgrade Compaction and Proof Rolling.
C. Excavation or embankment shall be in accordance with CMS 203- Roadway Excavation and Embankment.
(3) Width at right-of-way line.
A. New driveway apron: Minimum 10 feet for U-1 Single Family House District. For all other zoning districts see Zoning Code.
B. Existing driveway apron: Match existing drive width.
(4) At the edge of pavement or curb line the driveway apron shall be widened to provide a flair on each side of a U-1 Single Family House District driveway per the following criteria:
Tree Lawn Width | Flair Width |
4 feet or less | 2 feet each side |
Greater than 4 feet to 6 feet | 3 feet each side |
Greater than 6 feet | 4 feet each side |
The Staff Engineer or Building Inspection Department shall approve flair treatment for all other driveways prior to construction. The flair shall transition to the normal drive width at the face of sidewalk or if no sidewalk exists to the normal drive width at the right-of-way line.
(Ord. 2004-111. Passed 8-16-04.)
(Ord. 2004-111. Passed 8-16-04.)
(5) Edge of pavement treatment.
A. Aprons are to be a maximum of 1 inch to a minimum ¾ inches above pavement grade at the edge of pavement or curb gutter line, except on pavements with a "rolled/sloping" type curb.
B. On pavements without curb the apron at the pavement edge is be level with the pavement edge.
C. On pavements with existing curb the maximum of 1 inch to a minimum ¾ inches lip/drop curb shall be obtained by using a horizontal saw to neatly cut the existing curb. Transition from existing curb height to the drop curb shall be made in the first 12 inches of the apron flair. The transition within the flare shall be rolled out to the point the flare terminates at the normal drive width.
(Ord. 2013-36. Passed 3-18-13.)
(Ord. 2013-36. Passed 3-18-13.)
D. On pavement with “rolled/sloping” type curb, drop curb at the driveway apron is not required.
E. Damaged or deteriorated curbs within the limits of the width of the driveway apron including the driveway apron flair shall be carefully removed by saw cutting and replaced with a concrete curb to closely match the existing curb type and size.
1. Freestanding vertical curb shall be installed to a minimum depth of 13-1/2 inches below the existing pavement surface or match the existing adjoining curb depth which ever is greater.
2. Curb poured monolithically with an existing concrete pavement or base shall be removed a minimum of one foot in front of the face of curb. Existing combined curb and gutter sections shall be removed full width. A neat edge shall be established at the outer limits of pavement removal by a full depth saw cut. Replacement curb shall be installed as a combined curb and gutter section. Thickness of the concrete pavement gutter section shall match the existing concrete pavement or base thickness. Existing asphalt wearing course shall be restored to existing thickness using surface course type asphalt concrete. Butt joint shall be provided between combined curb and gutter and existing concrete pavement or base with tie bars or hook bolts provided at intervals of 30 inches.
3. Height of curb above existing pavement surface shall match existing adjoining curb profile at the terminus of the driveway flair and be adjusted through the driveway apron in accordance with edge of pavement treatment standards.
4. All joints shall be sealed with a hot applied joint sealer meeting the requirements of CMS 705.04.
5. Curb and combined curb and gutter sections may be installed monolithically with the driveway apron so long as the driveway apron is provided with a thickened edge. The thickened edge shall have a minimum thickness of 13-1/2 inches at the back of curb line and extending into the driveway for a minimum of one foot then tapering to normal driveway thickness in 3 feet. An impression joint shall be tooled formed across the width of the driveway apron in order to establish the back of the curb line.
(6) Joints.
A. A 1/2-inch expansion joint filler shall be installed between the driveway apron and existing curb for the full depth of the concrete pour. A 1/2-inch expansion joint filler shall be installed between the driveway apron and existing concrete driveway at the right-of- way line. Expansion joint material shall be a preformed filler meeting the requirements of CMS 705.03. The preformed joint filler shall be installed for the full depth of the drive slab and be flush with the driveway apron surface. When abutting an existing asphalt drive the existing asphalt shall be neat saw cut full depth. The neat saw cut edge may be used to form the concrete driveway apron, otherwise fill any void with new surface course type asphalt concrete. All asphalt butt joints shall be sealed with asphalt cement.
B. Impressed joints shall not be less than one-fourth the thickness of the slab and be approximately 1/8 inch thick and shall be tool formed not saw cut. Impressed joints shall be placed longitudinally along the length of the driveway apron centerline and at the normal drive width at the start of the driveway flare. The longitudinal joint at the flare shall not start at the point of flair but at a point at which a two-foot longitudinal joint normal to the outer edge of the driveway flare shall be constructed to intersect with the longitudinal joint. Additional longitudinal impression joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 12 feet. If the driveway apron is longer than 12 feet, transverse impression joints shall be placed across the driveway apron at intervals not to exceed 12 feet. On streets with sidewalks the area of the driveway apron within the sidewalk area shall be provided impression joints within the limits of the driveway apron to define sidewalk edge limits. Transverse impressed joints in the sidewalk area shall also be placed to form equally space blocks of approximately 5-foot intervals.
C. A 1/2 inch expansion joint filler shall be used to isolate and box out utility castings located in a driveway apron. The isolation joint shall be constructed a minimum of one foot beyond the casting flange and should be square wherever possible. Alternate methods of utility casting isolation may be constructed if approved by the Staff Engineer or Building Inspection Department.
(7) Driveway apron profile.
A. Match existing driveway profile for replacement aprons.
B. For new aprons on streets with sidewalks the profile from the edge of curb or pavement shall meet the existing face of sidewalk elevation. The profile through walk area shall be sloped toward the street at 1/4 inch per foot. If necessary additional blocks of sidewalk on each side of the driveway must be removed and replaced to provide a smooth transition to the new driveway area sidewalk profile. The proposed driveway grade shall meet this elevation.
C. For new aprons on curbed streets without sidewalks, the profile elevation shall be set at 5-1/2 feet from the right-of-way line at a slope of 3/8 inch per foot above the normal curb height. The remaining 5-1/2 feet to the right-of-way line shall be sloped toward the street at 1/4 inch per foot. The proposed driveway shall meet this elevation.
(8) Drainage.
A. For driveway apron on an uncurbed street a detailed grading and drainage site plan shall be submitted to the Building Department for review and approval by the Staff Engineer prior to commencing apron construction. The requirements of Section 1317.02(c) shall be met.
B. Drainage facility pipe shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 1179 storm sewer design requirements.
C. Existing curb underdrains tile must be maintained. Damaged or deteriorated curb underdrain tile shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Staff Engineer.
(c) Inspection. An inspection is required after forms, reinforcement and expansion joints are installed and before concrete placement can begin.
(Ord. 2020-72. Passed 5-18-20.)