General Provisions
33.01 Town office equipment
33.02 Town Hall to be non-smoking
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
33.15 Overview
33.16 Policy
33.17 Prohibited drugs
33.18 Alcohol
33.19 Reporting violations
33.20 Employee rehabilitation
33.21 Testing
Nepotism Policy
33.35 Purpose
33.36 Definitions
33.37 Employment policy
33.38 Contracting policy
33.39 Submission of compliance statements
(A) The copying machine located in the Town Hall shall be operated only by town employees.
(B) Copies of documents, papers, articles, and things for personal use by town residents may be made by town employees for residents of the town at a cost to said resident of $0.10 per copy, or another amount as set by the Town Council from time to time, subject to availability of equipment, labor, and material and at the discretion of the Town Clerk-Treasurer or his or her deputy.
(C) This section shall not be applicable to accident or investigation reports of the Police Department.
(D) Materials submitted by town residents or others for submission to the Town Council shall, at the discretion of the Town Clerk-Treasurer or his or her deputy, be copied for the Council members at no expense to the parties submitting said materials.
(E) Official town records, documents, ordinances, and policies appropriate for public viewing and inspection shall be permitted to be viewed and inspected at the Town Hall during normal business hours. Copies of such material shall be at a cost of $0.10 per page, or another amount as set by the Town Council from time to time, to the party making such request.
(F) Neither the internet access nor the facsimile machine shall be available or used by residents of the town for personal business.
(Ord. 2000-380, passed 6-5-2000)