General Provisions
31.01 Town Council President signing and executing authority
31.02 Authority of Council to make expenditures and appropriations
Town Council Meetings
31.15 Rules established
31.16 Presiding officer generally
31.17 Election of President
31.18 To call meetings to order
31.19 To preserve order; right to speak
31.20 To decide who is entitled to floor
31.21 Time of regular meetings
31.22 Special meetings
31.23 Quorum
31.24 Adjournments generally
31.25 Procedures in absence of quorum
31.26 Order of business, agenda guidelines
31.27 Voting
31.28 Motions when question is under debate
31.29 Previous question
31.30 Motions to reconsider
31.31 Motions to adjourn
31.32 Applicability of Robert’s Rules of Order
31.33 Rescission, change, or suspension of standing rule