   (a)   On residential streets, the abutting owner or occupant may maintain a planting strip within the curb lawn and may plant flowers, trees, shrubs and bushes thereon in conformity with this chapter. No person shall willfully injure or destroy any grass, flower, tree, bush or shrub upon any such planting strip or throw any papers, refuse or anything thereon. No person shall drive a motor vehicle or human powered device upon or over any such planting strip except in the act of performing maintenance upon such area. No person shall place any stones, gravel, broken brick, or similar loose material within any lawn extension of the City.
   (b)   A person who violates this section is responsible for a Class C Municipal civil infraction and shall be subject to the civil fines provided in Section 202.98.
(Ord. 17-01. Passed 12-4-01.)
   The City Manager, upon the advice of the Tree Advisory Council, shall make such rules and regulations supplementary to this chapter and not in conflict herewith as may from time to time be deemed necessary. Such rules and regulations shall be effective upon approval by the City Commission. Until changed pursuant to this section, rules and regulations in effect at the time of the adoption of this chapter shall continue in effect. No person shall fail to obey any rule or regulation effective under this chapter.
(Ord. 17-01. Passed 12-4-01.)
   (a)   The City Commission shall appoint a Tree Advisory Council composed of at least three, but no more than seven persons consisting of individuals having an interest or expertise in the fields of tree horticulture, landscape design, architecture, municipal planning, and public works.
   (b)   Individuals appointed to the Tree Advisory Council shall serve for a period of three years or until their successor is appointed.
   (c)    The Tree Advisory Council shall serve solely in an advisory capacity to the Director of Public Works and City Manager in the development of the Annual Tree Work Plan and the issuance of rules and regulations supplementary to this chapter.
   (d)   The Tree Advisory Council shall meet at least once a year in September to provide advice and input to the Director of Public Works for the Annual Tree Work Plan.
(Ord. 17-01. Passed 12-4-01.)
1026.99 PENALTY.
   A person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, for which no penalty is otherwise provided, shall be subject to the penalty provided for in Section 202.99.
(Ord. 17-01. Passed 12-4-01.)