(A)   Generally.  The regulations contained in this section are intended to accommodate low density developments which will provide livable environments with a minimal disturbance to natural topography and physical assets of the proposed site.
   (B)   Minimum lot size.  All lots in large lot developments shall contain a minimum of two acres (87,120 square feet).
   (C)   Conformity to existing streets and Thoroughfare Plan.  Whenever a large lot development abuts or contains an existing or proposed major thoroughfare, the standards contained in these regulations shall be applicable. If a large lot development abuts or contains an existing local or collector residential street, it must meet the requirements of these regulations.
   (D)   Street design criteria.
      (1)   All streets will be designed as local streets. Their alignment will reflect existing topographic features and will be planned to prohibit through traffic.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may allow a reduction in pavement width to 18 feet. These streets must be planned to terminate within the property and not be extended to additional lots. The Planning Commission, however, reserves the right to require extension of the street to property lines if special circumstances warrant this determination.
      (3)   As a general policy curbs, gutters, storm sewers and sidewalks will not usually be required within a large lot development. However, the Planning Commission shall require these improvements where such improvements are required under §§ 152.085 through 152.096 of these regulations.
   (E)   Resubdivision.  A large lot development may be resubdivided only where no new building sites are created or where the resubdivider constructs all improvements or additional improvements to the design requirements set out in §§ 152.085 through 152.096. The record plat of a large lot development must clearly indicate that it is a special development approved under this chapter and shall include in its covenants and restrictions a clause prohibiting the resubdivision of any lot within the development except where in compliance with the requirements of these regulations.
(1997 Code, § 152.108)  Penalty, see § 152.999