Permitted uses of land or buildings, as hereinafter listed, shall be permitted in the districts indicated under the conditions specified. Other than accessory uses, only one of the enumerated permitted uses may be established on a zoning lot. Unless otherwise specifically set forth, wherever a permitted use is named as a major category in this chapter, it shall be deemed to include all and only those itemized uses listed under the said major category in the R1 through R4 districts, as set forth in this section. No building or zoning lot shall be devoted to any use other than a use permitted hereinafter in the zoning district in which such building or zoning lot shall be located, with the exception of the following:
Special uses allowed in accordance with the provisions of section 5-5-3 of this chapter.
Uses lawfully established on April 1, 1963, subject to the regulations of chapter 9 of this title. (Ord. 09-05, 5-18-2009)
(A) Permitted Uses, R1 District: The following uses are permitted in the R1 district:
Accessory uses, incidental to and on the same or an adjacent zoning lot or lots under one ownership, as the principal use:
Agricultural buildings and structures.
Garages and carports, as accessory only to single- family detached dwellings.
Greenhouses and conservatories, private.
Guesthouses, private, as accessory only to single- family detached dwellings.
Home occupations, as accessory only to single-family detached dwellings.
Living quarters, detached, for persons employed on the premises if occupied only by such persons and their immediate family, as accessory only to single- family detached dwellings.
Roadside stands, as accessory only to agriculture.
Satellite antennas, private.
Sewage disposal units, individual, as regulated by section 5-3-5 of this title.
Storage of building materials and equipment, and temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period not to exceed the duration of such construction.
Swimming pools, as accessory only to single-family detached dwellings.
Tennis courts, private, as accessory only to single-family detached dwellings.
Tool houses, sheds and other similar buildings, for the storage of domestic supplies.
Water systems, individual, as regulated by section 5-3-5 of this title.
Signs, as regulated by chapter 5-11.
Single-family detached dwellings, provided that the owner, lessee or manager of any single-family dwelling with three (3) or less domiciled, unrelated minors maintain and provide to the Village, upon request, proof of a State license, to the extent such license is required.
(B) Permitted Uses, R2 District:
Any use permitted in the R1 district.
(C) Permitted Uses, R3 District:
Any use permitted in the R1 district.
(D) Permitted Uses, R4 District:
Any use permitted in the R1 district. (Ord. 63-1, 4-1-1963; amd. Ord. 09-05, 5-18-2009; Ord. 14-19, 12-15-2014; Ord. 16-22, 12-7-2016; Ord. 21-21, 12-16-2021)
Special uses, as hereinafter listed, may be allowed in the zoning districts indicated, subject to the issuance of special use permits in accordance with the provisions of section 5-10-7 of this title. Unless otherwise specifically set forth, wherever a special use is named as a major category in this chapter, it shall be deemed to include all and only those itemized uses listed under the said major category in the R1 district, subsection (A) of this section.
(A) Special Uses, R1 District: The following special uses may be allowed in the R1 district:
Accessory uses, incidental to and on the same or adjacent zoning lot or lots under one ownership as the principal use, as established in subsection 5-5-2(A) of this chapter.
Amateur radio and television stations and towers (transmitting and receiving).
Animal rescue shelters.
Artificial lakes.
Boathouses, private.
Mausoleums, crematories and columbariums in cemeteries.
Educational institutions and cultural institutions:
Athletic fields and playgrounds on the grounds of educational or cultural institutions.
Colleges, junior colleges and universities, including fraternity and sorority houses, dormitories and other structures and facilities necessary in the operation of a college or university, but not business colleges or trade schools.
Nursery, elementary and high schools.
Public libraries and public art galleries.
Non-Commercial Event Facility: As accessory only to single-family detached dwellings, which are owner occupied. In no event shall any stand-alone structure housing a non-commercial event facility have a floor area exceeding the floor area of the existing single-family dwelling on site. Such use allows the use of permanent structures or facilities to accommodate events, parties, art or cultural exhibitions, lectures, conferences, theatrical productions, or other scheduled and periodically held private non-commercial events. Non-commercial event facility does not limit the use of property for events held intermittently strictly for the benefit of the owner of the property (e.g., family wedding, birthday, etc.)
Private landing fields for aircraft.
Public utility and service uses:
Electric substations.
Fire stations.
Gas regulator stations.
Police stations.
Post offices.
Railroad right of way, but not including railroad yards and shops.
Telephone exchanges and telephone transmission equipment buildings.
Waterworks, reservoirs, pumping stations and filtration plants.
Other governmental buildings, including a village hall.
Recreational facilities:
Athletic fields and playgrounds in public parks.
Buildings, clubhouses and accessory structures, located on the grounds of athletic fields, playgrounds, recreational clubs, golf courses and polo fields, including the sale therein of sports equipment and the serving of beverages, including alcoholic beverages, and food, if incidental to the principal activity.
Forest preserves.
Golf courses, but not including commercially operated driving ranges, pitch and putt, miniature or par 3 courses, and not including buildings or structures.
Grounds of recreational clubs, noncommercial.
Polo fields, except their buildings and structures.
Public parks.
Religious institutions:
Athletic fields and playgrounds on the grounds of religious institutions.
Churches, chapels, temples and synagogues.
Columbariums associated with religious institutions.
Rectories, parsonages and parish houses.
Signs, which shall be deemed accessory to the principal use of the zoning lot or lots.
(B) Special Uses, R2 District:
Any use allowed as a special use in the R1 district.
(C) Special Uses, R3 District:
Any use allowed as a special use in the R1 district, with the exception of the following:
Amateur radio and television stations and towers (transmitting and receiving).
Private landing fields for aircraft.
(D) Special Uses, R4 District:
Any use allowed as a special use in the R1 district, with the exception of the following:
Amateur radio and television stations and towers (transmitting and receiving).
Private landing fields for aircraft. (Ord. 09-05, 5-18-2009; amd. Ord. 90-07, 7-27-2009; Ord. 20-07, 3-24-2020; Ord. 21-04, 4-26-2021)
Lot area requirements shall be as set forth under each zoning district.
(A) No use shall be established or hereafter maintained on a lot recorded after April 1, 1963, which is of less area than prescribed hereinafter for such use in the zoning district in which it is to be located, unless such lot is a lot of record or is subject to the provisions of subsection (C) of this section.
(B) In any residence district, on a lot which is a lot of record, a single-family dwelling may be established regardless of the area of the lot, provided that all other requirements of this title are met.
(C) A zoning lot that is a conforming lot or an existing lot of record that is reduced in area by the exercise of the right of eminent domain by an authorized governmental body or by reason of a conveyance to an authorized governmental body under threat of eminent domain if such lot is no longer conforming, shall be treated as a lot of record for purposes of this section.
(D) In any residence district, a lot of record which does not meet the area requirements of this title may be voluntarily increased in area, provided that all other requirements of this title are met.
(E) No existing building shall be converted so as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the lot area requirements of the district in which such building is located. (Ord. 13-12, 7-22-2013)