(A)   For the purpose of determining installation and reconnection charges, subscriber rates, and miscellaneous service charges, subscribers shall be divided into four separate subscriber classifications:
      (1)   Residential Subscribers.
      (2)   Commercial Subscribers.
      (3)   Multiple-Use Subscribers.
      (4)   Educational/Charitable/Institutional Subscribers.
   (B)   The governing authority is authorized to establish from time to time various classifications of cable television service. Initially, the service classifications shall be basic CATV service and expanded CATV service, and it is contemplated that expanded CATV service will further be divided into other subclassifications so that subscriber rates can be based on types of services received by the subscriber.
   (C)   The governing authority shall from time to time establish the installation and reconnection charges for standard connections and subscriber rates for all subscribers and service classifications, which rates and charges shall remain in effect until modified by subsequent ordinance of the governing authority. Miscellaneous service charges including, but not limited to, service charges for installation of CATV service other than for a standard connection as defined in § 54.01, shall be established from time to time by the governing authority or pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the CATV Department in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (D)   All subscribers, except for multiple-use subscribers, and educational/charitable/institutional subscribers, shall pay the following charges for the services as listed:
      (1)   Basic CATV service
         Programming Charge: $15.76/month, plus:
         (a)   Within corporate limits: $7.00/month;
         (b)   Outside corporate limits: $7.95/month.
      This is the minimum CATV programming service level and may include local and distant broadcast signals, public, educational and governmental channels, home shopping network(s), and local origination channel(s).
      Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for Basic CATV Service under this division (D)(1) shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
      (2)   Expanded CATV service (requires Basic Service subscription)
         Expanded Basic CATV Service - $52.22/month additional
         This is the first highest-penetrated tier of service above Basic CATV service, currently channels 23-82.
         Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for Expanded Basic under this division (D)(2) shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
Home Box Office (HBO and HBO Plus2)
$15.00/month additional
Cinemax (MAX)
$7.87/month additional
Showtime Combo1
$13.25/month additional
$22.87/month additional
HBO, HBO Plus2, Showtime Combo1
$36.88/month additional
MAX, Showtime Combo1
$21.88/month additional
Digital Gateway Service3
$2.95/month additional
High Def Digital Gateway Service3
$2.95/month additional
High Def/DVR Digital Gateway Service3
$7.95/month additional
CableCARD Service3
$2.00/month additional
Economy Tier15
$32.56/month additional
Digital Basic4
$7.54/month additional
Economy Digital Basic15
$4.54/month additional
Extended Digital Basic4
$1.73/month additional
Economy Extended Digital Basic15
$1.36/month additional
Starz/Encore Super Pak5
$10.06/month additional
Pay-Per-View (PPV)6
Supplier’s Suggested Retail Price
Premium Silver Pay Package7
$36.13/month additional
Premium Gold Pay Package8
$46.19/month additional
Commercial Fox Sports Surcharge9
$2.00/month additional
Hospitality Fox Sports Surcharge10
Per the following:
   Viewable by:
   1 - 50 persons
$37.50/month additional
   51 - 100 persons
$50.00/month additional
   101 - 150 persons
$75.00/month additional
   151 - 200 persons
$100.00/month additional
   201 - 300 persons
$125.00/month additional
   301 - 500 persons
$150.00/month additional
   > 500 persons
$200.00/month additional
High Definition Tier11
$2.48/month additional
Latin Tier12
$5.00/month additional
TV Japan13
$15.00/month additional
Multiroom DVR14
$1.00/month additional per household
      Subscribers to a Digital Gateway Service, CableCARD Service, Digital Basic or Digital Basic/Extended Digital Basic that also subscribe to an analog Premium Pay Service will receive the plexes of that Premium Pay Service on the digital set-top at no additional charge.
         Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for the following packages: Digital Basic, Extended Digital Basic, High Definition Tier, and HBO, Cinemax, Showtime Combo, Starz/Encore, and all combinations thereof, under this division (D)(2), shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
1 - The Showtime Combo is a package of four Showtime Networks, Inc. programs: Showtime, ShowtimeToo, The Movie Channel, FLIX. These channels are not available a la carte.
2 - HBO Plus is a multiplexed service of HBO Networks, Inc. HBO is not available as a single channel (a la carte) and is packaged with HBO Plus for one rate.
3 - Digital Gateway Service is available to subscribers with Basic CATV Service and includes Digital music channels, TV Guide Interactive, and allows access (for additional fees) to all available Premium Pay Services and Pay Per View (PPV) programming, using a standard definition set-top. Effective May 1, 2011, standard definition set-tops at $3.95 are no longer available for new installations. Existing installations are grandfathered until disconnection or upgrade initiated by the subscriber. High Def Digital Gateway Service is Digital Gateway Service with a high- definition capable set-top and High Def/DVR Digital Gateway Service is the High Def Digital Gateway with a built-in Digital Video Recorder (DVR). CableCARD Service consists of a plug-in media card designed to decode encrypted digital cable services in lieu of a set- top converter and includes a monthly digital control fee as well as capital recovery for the cost of the card; TV Guide Interactive and Pay Per View programming is not available using the CableCARD Service.
4 - Subscription to Digital Basic requires subscription to Expanded Basic CATV Service and either subscription to a Digital Gateway or CableCARD service. Subscription to Extended Digital Basic requires subscription to Digital Basic.
5 - Starz/Encore SuperPak is available with a Digital Gateway ro CableCARD subscription.
6 - PPV is available with a Digital Gateway or CableCARD subscription. Commercial locations are subject to certain restrictions and conditions as dictated by the contract between the city and the PPV supplier.
7 - Premium Silver Pay Package is available to subscribers with Basic CATV Service and/or Expanded Basic CATV Service and includes the analog forms of HBO, HBO Plus, Cinemax and the Showtime Combo package.
8 - Premium Gold Pay Package is available to subscribers with Expanded Basic CATV Service and with a Digital Gateway or CableCARD Service. This package includes both the analog and digital forms of HBO, HBO Plus, Cinemax, the Showtime Combo package, the Starz/Encore SuperPak and all the premium service multiplexes.
9 - A Commercial Subscriber is defined as a non-residential subscriber other than a Hospitality Subscriber (defined below).
10 - A Hospitality Subscriber is defined as a Commercial Subscriber that is licensed to serve alcohol or derives at least 80% of its revenues from entry fees and/or the sale of food or beverages. The surcharge is based upon the number of persons that can view Fox Sport South when it is exhibited in the subscriber’s establishment and is defined as equal to the Fire Code maximum occupancy rating multiplied by the percentage of the total square footage within the establishment from which a patron could view the service (Example: If occupancy = 100, total square footage = 4,000, and square footage viewable = 3,000, then Viewing Area Person Count = 100 x 75% = 75 persons).
11 - The High Definition Tier is a paid tier of high definition (HD) programming made up of channels that have a wholesale affiliate fee. This tier is available to Expanded Basic Subscribers and requires subscription to either High Definition Digital Gateway or CableCard Service.
12 - The Latin Tier is a paid tier of Spanish-language programming in a digital-only format. This tier is available to Basic Subscribers and requires subscription to either a Digital Gateway or CableCARD Service.
13 - TV Japan is an a la carte premium channel in a digital-only format. This channel is available to Basic Subscribers and requires subscription to either a Digital Gateway or CableCard Service.
14 - Multi-room DVR service is an optional service for customers with the appropriate all-digital set-tops. It allows non-DVR "clients" to access the DVR of at least one "host" DVR set-top. Non-DVR set-tops that are "client-capable" and all current DVR set-tops are "host-capable" and are available for the rates as indicated above. Swap-outs of set-tops that support multiroom DVR will be included as part of the install free for multiroom DVR service.
15 - Economy Tier is offered as a low cost "retention" tier and/or designed and offered as a "family friendly" tier, which is solely comprised of family-friendly television video programming services that cannot in the aggregate be received by more than three and one- half percent (3.5%) of such Participating NCTC Member’s total number of subscribers across all of its Members Systems, and requires subscription to a Digital Gateway or CableCARD service. Subscription to Economy Digital Basic requires subscription to the Economy Tier. Subscription to Economy Extended Digital Basic requires subscription to Economy Digital Basic.
      (3)   Baker’s Dozen. Any Expanded Basic CATV subscriber who pays for 12 months at one time shall receive an extra month at no charge. Baker’s Dozen applies to all monthly rates for Expanded CATV Service including premium pay services. Baker’s Dozen discounts do not apply to monthly rates for Basic CATV Service. For those subscribers who are taking the Baker’s Dozen discount, no rate modification will be made during the discount period.
      (4)   Initial standard connections to locations previously served by Bardstown Cable TV:
                              Inside          Outside
                              Corporate      Corporate
                              Limits          Limits
         (a)   Service to existing    wiring*      $10.00      $18.00
   *This rate contemplates that the existing wiring complies with Bardstown Cable TV minimum standards for service installation and requires no modifications. Should a location initially described as such be found otherwise, the location shall be considered an unwired location and the corresponding installation rates shall apply.
                              Inside          Outside
                              Corporate       Corporate
                              Limits          Limits
         (b)   Installation of
            additional outlets    
            at time of
            installation               $14.00 each       $14.00 each
         (c)   Multi-Dwelling Unit**
            installation of
            additional outlets
            at time of
            installation               $26.00 each       $26.00 each
   **Multi-Dwelling Unit is any residential housing unit in a building that contains more than two individual units. The standard fees shall apply to residential housing units in a building that contains one or two individual units.
      (5)   Initial standard connections to unwired locations:
                              Inside          Outside
                              Corporate       Corporate
                              Limits          Limits
         (a)   Overhead service            $52.00          $60.00
            1.   Additional
               outlets at time
               of installation            $14.00 each       $14.00 each
         (b)   Underground service         $127.00*      $135.00*
            1.   Additional outlets
               at time of
               installation            $14.00 each       $14.00 each
                              Inside      Outs ide
                              Corporate   Corporate
                              Limits      Limi ts
         (c)   Multiple-Dwelling
            Unit** Service            $64.00      $72.00
            1.   Additional outlets
               at time of
               installation            $26.00 each   $26.00 each
   *If Bardstown Cable TV must install service drop in ditch. The full fee for underground service shall be collected at the time the work order is made. If subscriber provides for the underground installation of the service drop to the required specification, then the fee shall be same as for overhead, and the difference in fees shall be credited to the subscriber’s account upon the verification by the CATV Department of satisfactory installation upon completion of the work order.
   **Multi-Dwelling Unit is any residential housing unit in a building that contains more than two individual units. The standard fees shall apply to residential housing units in a building that contains one or two individual units.
      (6)   Initial standard connections to pre-wired locations:
                           Inside      Outside
                           Corporate   Corporate
                           Limits      Limits
         (a)   Overhead service         $32.00   $40.00
            1.   Additional outlets       
               at time of installation      
               by city          $14.00 each   $14.00 each
         (b)   Underground service      $107.00*   $115.00*
            1.   Additional outlets
               at time of
               installation          $14.00 each   $14.00 each
         (c)   Multiple-Dwelling
            Unit** Service         $32.00   $40.00
            1.   Additional outlets
               at time of
               installation         $26.00 each   $26.00 each
   *If Bardstown Cable TV must install service drop in ditch. The full fee for underground service shall be collected at the time the work order is made. If subscriber provides for the underground installation of the service drop to the required specification, then the fee shall be same as for overhead, and the difference in fees shall be credited to the subscriber’s account upon the verification by the CATV Department of satisfactory installation upon completion of the work order.
   **Multi-Dwelling Unit is any residential housing unit in a building that contains more than two individual units. The standard fees shall apply to residential housing units in a building that contains one or two individual units.
      (7)   Expanded CATV service connection:
                                    Inside       Outside
                                    Corporate    Corporate
                                    Limits       Limits
         (a)   Analog Premium Pay Service
            (same trip)                      No Charge       No Charge
         (b)   Analog Premium Pay Service
            (separate trip)                  $10.00       $18.00
         (c)   Digital Set-Top* (new outlet
            required, new trip)                  $26.00       $34.00
         (d)   Digital Set-Top (no new
            outlet required, new trip)               $12.00       $20.00
         (e)   Digital Service Upgrades
            (no trip required)                   $5.00          $5.00
         (f)   Digital Home Theater    
            Connection1 (same trip)               $10.00       $10.00
         (g)   Digital Home Theatre
            Connection1 (new trip)               $20.00       $28.00
         (h)   Multi-room DVR (new
            outlet required, new
            trip)                        $36.00       $44.00
         (I)   Multi-room DVR (no new
            outlet required, new
            trip)                        $22.00       $30.00
   *Any additional set-top requiring an additional outlet can be added at the same time for an additional $14.00.
1 – Includes audio/video cables and physical connection to customer’s existing home theater system located immediately adjacent to Digital Set-Top installed location.
      (8)   Extra outlet installation or relocation(when added at a later date from initial standard connection)
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
         (a)   If pre-wired by customer            *$10.00       $18.00
            1.   Other outlets installed
               during completion of
               work order               $14.00 each       $14.00 each
         (b)   If wired by Bardstown
               CATV                  $24.00          $32.00
            1.   Other outlets installed
               during completion of
               work order               $14.00 each       $14.00 each
         (c)   Multiple-Dwelling Unit**
            outlets wired by
            Bardstown CATV               $36.00          $44.00
            1.   Additional outlets
               at time of                $26.00 each          $26.00 each
   *This rate contemplates that the existing wiring complies with Bardstown Cable TV minimum standards for service installations and requires no modifications. Should a location initially described as such be found otherwise, the location shall be considered an unwired location and the corresponding installation rates shall apply.
   **Multi-Dwelling Unit is any residential housing unit in a building that contains more than two individual units. The standard fees shall apply to residential housing units in a building that contains one or two individual units.
      (9)   Reconnection after nonpayment cut-off:*
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
         Reconnect fee                  $25.00       $40.00
   *Reconnects after nonpayment cut-off will be worked into the normal work order schedule and will, whenever practical, be scheduled for the third business day after payment of the entire account balance.
      (10)   Customer equipment trouble call*   
                              Inside          Outside
                              Corporate       Corporate
                              Limits          Limits
         Trouble call fee               $10.00       $18.00
   *This rate applies to customer-requested hookup, programming or similar services to customer-owned equipment only. Where faulty interior wiring is encountered, the subscriber shall be responsible for the repair through the applicable rate herein.
      (11)   Set-top rental
         (a)   Additional HD digital set-top         $2.95 per month
         (b)   Additional HD-DVR digital set-top         $7.95 per month
         (c)   DTA (digital-to-analog) set-top         $0.75 per month
      (12)   Deposits for equipment rentals (to be held until satisfactory return of equipment with account balance current):
         (a)   Digital set-top (best credit rating)1      $25.00
         (b)   Digital set-top (limited credit rating)2      $50.00
         (c)   Digital set-top (poor credit rating)3      $100.00
         (d)   DTA set-top   None
   Upon request, any subscriber with a credit rating indicated in divisions (b) or (c) above can obtain the next best credit rating after a period of 12 consecutive months of no late payment or returned check infractions.
1 – Best Credit Rating – Not more than one late payment in last 12 months.
2 – Limited Credit Rating – Not more than two late payments in last 12 months, or if less than one year of continuous service, letter of reference provided demonstrating previous credit history.
3 – Poor Credit Rating – More than two late payments in the preceding 12 months, or cut-off for non-payment within the preceding 12 months, or bad debt at anytime, or a bad check within the last 12 months.
      (13)   Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)
         (a)   BYOD Gateway Service1      $5.00/month additional
         (b)   BYOD without DVR
            or Catchup/Restart         $2.95/month additional
         (c)   IPTV set-top2         $2.95/month additional
         (d)   Extra DVR hours3         $1.00/month additional/50 hours
         (e)   Extra BYOD concurrent
            streams            $1.00/month additional/two extra
1 – BYOD (Bring your own device) Gateway Service is an IPTV streaming service available to subscribers on the city's physical network with Basic CATV Service and includes digital music channels, interactive guide, and allows access (for additional fees) to all available programming, using either a customer's compatible device (e.g. Amazon Fire Stick, Android devices) or an IPTV set-top. This service features 50 hours of cloud-DVR, CatchUp/Restart, and multiscreen video, for up to three concurrent streams. Note: cloud-DVR has a limited recording life unless the subscriber marks saved content accordingly.
2 – An IPTV set-top is a city-owned device capable of supporting the city's IPTV platform and offerings. Deposit required per § 54.04(D)(13). This device is optional. The subscriber can choose to provide their own devices exclusively.
3 – The cloud-DVR capacity can be increased in increments of 50 hours. Note: cloud-DVR has a limited recording life unless the subscriber marks saved content accordingly.
4 – These extra concurrent streams are available in increments of two if the subscriber desires more than the three concurrent streams included in the BYOD base rate.
      (14)   Fees for the transfer of an existing Bardstown Cable TV subscriber from an existing service location to another location in the system shall depend solely upon the type of location the subscriber is moving to. The appropriate rate contained herein shall apply.
      (15)   In the absence of an applicable rate for services as contained herein, any work requested to be performed by Bardstown Cable TV shall be charged on a time-and-materials basis plus a reasonable profit.
   (E)   The City Council may, by resolution, temporarily suspend or modify the charges for only those services provided in sections (D) (1), (2), and (4) through (7) shown above, from time to time as a promotional incentive to expand the subscriber base of the system.
   (F)   Multiple-use subscribers and educational/charitable/ institutional subscribers shall pay the following charges for services as listed:
      (1)   Multiple-use (bulk) subscribers shall pay the following charges for services as listed:
         (a)   Basic CATV Service
            Programming charge: $15.76/month, plus:
            1.   Within corporate limits: $7.00/month;
            2.   Outside corporate limits: $7.95/month;
plus $1.00 per month per additional outlet; required on all outlets.
         This is the minimum CATV programming service level and may include local and distant broadcast signals, public, educational and governmental channels, home shopping network(s), and local origination channel(s).
         Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for Basic CATV Service under this division (F)(1) shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
         (b)   Expanded Basic CATV Service (requires Basic Service subscription)
Expanded Basic CATV Service
$52.22/month additional plus $0.75 per month per additional outlet, required on all outlets.
HBO and HBO Plus2
$15.00/month additional plus $3.31 per month per additional outlet; required on all outlets.
Commercial Fox Sports Surcharge3
$2.00/month additional
TV Japan4
$1.00/month per additional outlet.
            Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for Expanded Basic and HBO under this division (F)(1) shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
2 - HBO Plus is a multiplexed service of HBO Networks, Inc. HBO is no longer available as a single channel (a la carte) and is packaged with HBO Plus for one rate.
3 - A Commercial Subscriber is defined as a non-residential subscriber other than a Hospitality subscriber.
4 - TV Japan is an a la carte premium channel in a digital-only format. This channel is available to multiple-use (bulk) subscribers using direct-feed fiber connection.
Note: multiple-use customers shall be charged the normal applicable monthly basic or expanded basic CATV service charge for one (1) location plus the monthly charge per outlet as indicated herein. All additional outlets and internal distribution systems are the responsibility of the customer.
      (2)   Educational/charitable/institutional subscribers shall pay the following charges for services as listed:
         (a)   Basic CATV Service
            Programming charge: $15.76/month, plus:
            1.   Within corporate limits: $7.00/month;
            2.   Outside corporate limits: $7.95/month.
            This is the minimum CATV programming service level and may include local and distant broadcast signals, public, educational and governmental channels, home shopping network(s), and local origination channel(s).
            Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for Basic CATV Service under this division (F)(2) shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
         (b)   Expanded Basic CATV Service (requires Basic Service subscription)
            Expanded Basic CATV Service   $52.22/month additional plus $0.75 per month per additional outlet, required on all outlets.
            Commercial Fox Sports      $2.00/month additional
            Effective September 1, 2019, the retail rate for Expanded Basic services under this division (F)(2) shall further be modified to reflect any increases or decreases in the applicable wholesale programming costs that occur subsequent to September 1, 2019.
1 - A Commercial Subscriber is defined as a non-residential subscriber other than a Hospitality Subscriber.
Note: Educational/Charitable/Institutional customers shall be charged the normal applicable monthly basic CATV service charge for one location. All additional outlets and internal distribution systems are the responsibility of the institution.
   (G)   Cable service payments are due in advance, and when an account is delinquent the service may be terminated without notice. The converter(s) and/or remote control unit(s) shall remain the property of Bardstown Cable TV unless subscriber elects to purchase said equipment. If either subscriber or Bardstown CATV terminates the pay cable TV service or all cable TV services taken by subscriber, then it shall be the sole responsibility of subscriber to return any rented equipment owned by Bardstown Cable TV. In the event that said equipment is not returned upon termination of cable service, or is lost, destroyed, or damaged while in subscriber’s possession or control, subscriber agrees to pay as liquidated damages the sum of $100.00 for each converter and $40.00 for each remote control unit to operator. Subscriber is wholly responsible for battery replacements for the remote control units.
   (H)   Taxes
      (1)   Utility taxes that apply to cable television services shall be added to the subscriber’s account and may be changed from time to time as provided by law. The following utility taxes currently apply:
         (a)   Bardstown Independent School Tax      3%
         (b)   Nelson County School Tax            3%
         (c)   Washington County School Tax         3%
      (2)   Applicable utility taxes will be charged to advance first month service payments as required herein, annual "baker’s dozen" pre-payments made after effective date of tax, miscellaneous pre-payments and to regular monthly service amounts as billed.
      (3)   Taxes shall be charged to regular monthly services and shall not apply to installation, reconnection or relocation fees, late fees or deposits.
   (I)   Internet Service
      (1)   Residential service:
         (a)   Cable Modem Service within corporate limits:
20 Mb/s
$31.25 per month
50 Mb/s
$36.25 per month
100 Mb/s
$46.25 per month
200 Mb/s
$56.25 per month
         (b)   Cable Modem Service outside corporate limits:
20 Mb/s
$36.00 per month
50 Mb/s
$41.00 per month
100 Mb/s
$51.00 per month
200 Mb/s
$61.00 per month
         (c)   PON (Passive Optical Network) Fiber Service within corporate limits:
100 Mb/s
$51.25 per month
500 Mb/s
$66.25 per month
1 Gb/s
$76.25 per month
         (d)   PON Fiber Service outside corporate limits:
100 Mb/s
$56.00 per month
500 Mb/s
$71.00 per month
1 Gb/s
$81.00 per month
         (e)   Lifeline Cable Modem Service within corporate limits1:
10 Mb/s
$10.00 per month
         (f)   Lifeline Cable Modem Service outside corporate limits1:
10 Mb/s
$14.75 per month
1 - Available to households that qualify for NSLP or SNAP, seniors 65 years of age or older, or other eligible criteria as may be determined by the City Council.
         Customers may rent a modem or ONT (Optical Network Terminal) from the city at a cost of $3 per month or may provide their own modem meeting city specifications. Customers may also rent a gigabit wireless router or a wireless mesh extender from the city at a cost of $5.00 each per month.
      (2)   Commercial service costs depend on the number of users and the bandwidth, (speed) requested. Commercial customers may rent the modem at a cost of $3 per month or may provide their own modem meeting city specifications. The monthly rates for commercial services are:
         (a)   Cable Modem Service within corporate limits:
Up to 5 users, at 100 Mb/s
$56.25 per month
Up to 25 users, at 200 Mb/s
$76.25 per month
Up to 25 users, at 250 Mb/s
$116.25 per month
Over 25 users, and/or over 250 Mb/s
(by contract)
         (b)   Cable Modem Service outside corporate limits:
Up to 5 users, at 100 Mb/s
$61.00 per month
Up to 25 users, at 200 Mb/s
$81.00 per month
Up to 25 users, at 250 Mb/s
$121.00 per month
Over 25 users, and/or over 250 Mb/s
(by contract)
         (c)   PON Fiber Service within corporate limits:
Up to 25 users, at 250 Mb/s
$126.25 per month
Up to 25 users, at 500 Mb/s
$146.25 per month
Up to 25 users, at 1 Gb/s
$186.25 per month
Over 25 users, and/or over 1 Gb/s
(by contract)
         (d)   PON Fiber Service outside corporate limits:
Up to 25 users, at 250 Mb/s
$131.00 per month
Up to 25 users, at 500 Mb/s
$151.00 per month
Up to 25 users, at 1 Gb/s
$191.00 per month
Over 25 users, and/or over 1 Gb/s
(by contract)
      (3)   Connection fees:
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
         (a)   Full cable modem
            internet install:               $36.00      $44.00
            Includes running a separate cable wire from the outside of the house to the computer, installing one cable modem, and configuring the computer to operate on the cable system.
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
         (b)   Other installation components:
            1.   Initial new OH install         $52.00      $60.00
            2.   Initial new UG install         $127.00       $135.00
            3.   Unwired outlet
               (new trip)               $26.00       $34.00
            4.   Unwired outlet
               (same trip)               $16.00       $16.00
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
            5.   Prewired outlet
               (new trip)               $12.00       $20.00
            6.   Prewired outlet
               (same trip)               $ 2.00          $ 2.00
            7.   Provisioning               $10.00      $10.00
         (c)   PON Fiber installations:
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
            1.   Initial new OH install         $60.00       $68.00
            2.   Initial new UG install         $135.00       $143.00
      (4)   Reconnection after nonpayment cut-off:*
                                 Inside          Outside
                                 Corporate       Corporate
                                 Limits          Limits
         Reconnect fee                  $10.00         $10.00
      (5)   Additional services:
         (a)   Virtual Domain Hosting       $10.00 per month per domain (free for Commercial Accounts; email accounts per applicable rate class)
         (b)   Virtual Domain set-up fee       $30.00; (does not include fee for domain registration)
         (c)   Public IP address         No charge for first address; $2.00 per month per each additional address.
      (6)   Wholesale internet service.
         (a)   Internet Service Providers ("ISP’s") may purchase wholesale internet service for each customer to which they provide ISP services at an initial rate equal to 60% of the rates set forth in divisions (1) and (2), and with respect to cable modem service only, said rate to decrease by 1% for each 50 net new customers added to the city’s present and projected customer count until the effective rate equals 55% of the said divisions (1) and (2) rates. The wholesale rate for the PON Fiber Service above is a flat 60% of the city's retail rate. "50 net new customers" is defined as a count of those customers served by a wholesale ISP which is in excess of the city’s present and projected customer count.
         (b)   All installations of cable drops from pole to dwelling and of cable modem outlets shall be performed by the city. The city shall charge wholesale ISPs the applicable installation fees set forth in division (3) for each.
         (c)   Wholesale ISPs shall require its cable modem and PON Fiber internet service customers to use cable modems which have been approved by the city.
         (d)   Wholesale ISPs will be billed monthly on or about the first day of each month and payment shall be due and payable on the first day of each month. If payment is not received from an ISP on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which the bill is sent, a penalty of $0.50 and a service fee of $3 per cable modem internet service customer shall be added and shall be promptly paid.
         (e)   If said payment is not received by the 15th day of the month, the ISP shall be notified by mail of its delinquent status and shall be given until the twenty-fifth to pay. Cable modem Internet services shall be disconnected if payment in full is not received by the twenty-fifth. Reconnection of service shall be made only after payment of all current and past due bills service fees and penalties including an additional reconnect charge of $100.
         (f)   All ISP’s shall be required to connect to the city’s CATV system via either lines leased from a telecommunications provider or, if within two miles of the city’s fiber, a fiber connection which the ISP shall lease from the city at the following rates:
            1.   During the first year, $250 per month for the first mile of fiber (or fractional part thereof) and $100 a month for each additional mile.
            2.   During the second year,$300 per month for the first mile of fiber (or fractional part thereof) and $100 a month for each additional mile.
            3.   During the third year, $350 per month for the first mile of fiber (or fractional part thereof) and $100 a month for each additional mile.
            4.   During the fourth year, $400 per month for the first mile of fiber (or fractional part thereof) and $100 a month for each additional mile.
            5.   During the fifth year, $450 per month for the first mile of fiber (or fractional part thereof) and $100 a month for each additional mile.
         (g)   The city reserves the right to disconnect cable television services if a customer of a wholesale ISP has defaulted on his or her cable television bill.
         (h)   Wholesale ISPs shall be required to enter into a contract with the city, which further sets out the ISP’s responsibilities to the city.
      (7)   Baker’s dozen. Any internet subscriber who pays for 12 months at one time shall receive an extra month at no charge. For those subscribers who are taking the baker’s dozen discount, no rate modification will be made during the discount period.
      (8)   Bundling discount. Any internet subscriber who also subscribes to Basic Cable Television Service will receive a 20% discount on their internet services.
(Ord. 313, passed 10-11-85; Am. Ord. 343, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 349, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 370, passed 12-28-87; Am. Ord. 397, passed 1-10-88; Am. Ord. 417, passed 2-13-90; Am. Ord. 457, passed 12-11-90; Am. Ord. 531, passed 8-24-93; Am. Ord. 594, passed 10-10-95; Am. Ord. 626, passed 6-24-97; Am. Ord 660, passed 1-30-99; Am. Ord. 663, passed 4-27-99; Am. Ord. 670, passed 6-22-99; Am. Ord. 691, passed 4-25-00; Am. Ord. 712, passed 2-13-01; Am. Ord. 717, passed 3-13-01, Am. Ord. 722, passed 5-22-01; Am. Ord. 723, passed 6-26-01; Am. Ord. 756, passed 7-9-02; Am. Ord. 771, passed 6-10-03; Am. Ord. 782, passed 9-9-03; Am. Ord. 804, passed 4-27-04; Am. Ord. B2005-18, passed 6-28-05; Am. Ord. 2005-36, passed 12-27-05; Am. Ord. B2006-4, passed 3-7-06; Am. Ord. B2007-17, passed 6-26-07; Am. Ord. B2007-28, passed 11-27-07; Am. Ord. B2007-31, passed 12-18-07; Am. Ord. B2008-19, passed 10-14-08; Am. Ord. B2008-24, passed 12-9-08; Am. Ord. 2009-22, passed 12-8-09; Am. Ord. B2011-06, passed 5-4-11; Am. Ord. B2011-08, passed 6-28-11; Am. Ord. B2011-18, passed 9-13-11; Am. Ord. B2012-05, passed 4-24-12; Am. Ord. B2012-22, passed 10-12-12; Am. Ord. B2012-23, passed 11-13-12; Am. Ord. B2013-07, passed 6-11-13; Am. Ord. B2015-02, passed 1-27-15; Am. Ord. B2016-01, passed 1-12-16; Am. Ord. B2017-12, passed 8-22-17; Am. Ord. B2019-10, passed 8-13-19; Am. Ord. B2020-07, passed 4-29-20) Penalty, see § 54.99