(a)   Mobile homes shall have a minimum of 600 square feet of interior living space.
   (b)   Any lot on which a mobile home is situated shall be owned by the owner of the mobile home situated on such lot.
   (c)   Any mobile home shall be occupied by the owner or owners of such mobile home and be a single family dwelling.
   (d)   The lot on which any mobile home is located shall be separate from any other dwelling lot and there shall be no other dwelling located on the same lot with such mobile home.
   (e)   Any lot on which a mobile home is located shall be not less than 4,800 square feet in area.
   (f)   No mobile home shall sit closer to the front property line of the lot on which it is located than twenty-five feet or greater if needed to conform with subsection (h) hereof.
   (g)   No mobile home and/or attachments shall sit closer than ten feet to the side or rear peoperty lines of the lot on which it is located.
   (h)   At least two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each mobile home. Such parking spaces shall consist of a hard surface such as concrete, asphalt or compacted limestone, not to be within ten feet of the property line.
   (i)   All mobile homes shall be served by permanently installed utility services for water, electricity and sanitary sewage disposal. Each lot for a mobile home shall have an approved tap to the main public sewer of the Municipality. No mobile home shall be place on any lot prior to the installation of an approved sewer tap serving such lot. When installed, all taps shall be left open until inspected and approved by the Sanitary Board. A sewer tap permit shall be obtained for each such tap.
   (j)   All mobile homes shall have permanent foundations of stone, brick or masonry blocks, on poured footers, and shall be properly supported, anchored to foundation and underpinned on cross-members by adequate and properly designed and installed supports constructed of metal, masonry fiberglass or other fireproof material.
   (k)   Each mobile home shall have direct ingress and egress to and from a street or streets within the Municipality.
   (l)   No mobile home unit shall be moved upon the streets of the Municipality without having obtained an escort for such movement from the Police Department.
   (m)   All applications for a permit for a mobile home shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and then forwarded to Council with any recommendations.
(Ord. 10-19-82)