The Village Attorney shall perform all duties and exercise all powers which shall be imposed or conferred upon him or her by this Charter, Council or the Mayor. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, he or she shall act as attorney for Council, the Mayor and Municipal boards or commissions for which legal counsel has not otherwise been provided. At the direction of the Mayor, the Village Attorney shall also act as attorney for any other Municipal officer or employee in connection with the performance of their official duties, unless there be an ethical or professional conflict of interest in providing such legal counsel or representation. Upon request, he or she shall furnish Council, the Mayor and any Municipal board or commission a written opinion upon any question of law concerning affairs of the Village. Except where other legal counsel is provided, the Village Attorney shall prosecute all actions for and defend all actions against the Village; prosecute all cases brought before or appealed from the Municipal Court; and maintain and preserve as permanent records of the Village Attorney's office all legal files, records and papers pertaining to the legal affairs of the Village for which he or she is responsible.