(a)   General Upkeep. All sidewalks in this Municipality shall be kept in repair clean and free from dirt, snow and ice by the owners or occupants of the adjacent property.
   (b)   Failure to Maintain. If the owner or occupant of any sidewalk, footway or gutter, in the corporate limits of this Municipality or of the real property next adjacent thereto, fails or refuses to curb, pave or keep clean, in the manner or within the time required by Council, the Director of Public Works or such other officer as Council may direct, with the advice of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, shall cause the same to be done at the expense of the Municipality and shall assess the amount of the expense upon such owner or occupant, in the manner herein provided for the collection of Municipal taxes.
   (c)   Penalty for Failure to Maintain. The Director of Public Works or the person making such repairs shall keep an accurate account of all expenses incurred by him in making such repairs, and shall give it to the Street Committee. If found correct by it the Committee shall report the same to Council, who shall order an assessment upon such owner or occupant, who shall pay the same.
(1941 Code 6-2-1 to 6-2-3)