(A) Temporary restorations shall be made by the permittee in accordance with the requirements of § 1020.14 of this chapter, and the permittee shall be responsible for maintaining the backfilled opening in a safe and usable condition until such time as the permanent restoration can be made. Until the openings have been taken over by the Division of Streets for permanent restoration, each permittee shall, after each heavy rain and during thawing periods, check over all openings and temporary restorations made by him or her and shall make such repairs as may be necessary or, if such repairs cannot be promptly made, shall provide barricades and lights for the protection of the public. The work site must always be protected with bracing, barricades and lights per OSHA regulations and traffic control in accordance with Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic-Control Devices.
(B) Complete restoration, including pavement base and surface, must be completed after the permittee has completed the backfill and made temporary restoration to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service or his designee.
(C) Partial restoration up to and including the pavement base may be done by the permittee subject to the Director’s approval. All such work must conform to the current edition of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specifications.
(D) Unless otherwise ordered, the permittee shall make complete restoration of all unpaved areas in accordance with the requirements of § 1020.11 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 1020.10) (Ord. 38-1955, passed 4-4-1955; Ord. 144-2015, passed 10-12-2015)