Table 153.170.080 identifies the types of signs permitted by zone district and the development standards applicable to such signs. In addition to the requirements set forth in table 153.170.080, the following criteria shall apply:
   (A)   Freestanding signs.
      (1)   As indicated in table 153.170.080, freestanding signs shall be permitted only in the FC, C-2 and I-C zones that have freeway frontage.
      (2)   The base of all freestanding signs shall be landscaped at the time of sign installation such that the base is fully obscured by landscaping to a minimum height of six feet within three years of landscape installation. Such landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition at all times.
   (B)   Monument signs. Monument signs may be located in planter medians abutting a driveway or within the project driveway.
Table 153.170.080
Sign Regulations by Zone
Sign Type
Maximum Number
Maximum Sign Area
Maximum Height
Sign Regulations by Zone
Sign Type
Maximum Number
Maximum Sign Area
Maximum Height
R-G and R-3
24 sf
4 ft
36 sf
4 ft
1 per frontage
32 sf
6 ft
1 or more
50 sf
4 ft
MU-1 withou t freewa y fronta ge
1 per frontage
64 sf
12 ft
In lieu of a monument sign, an electronic readerboard sign may be permitted, subject to approval of a conditional use permit and design review, provided the sign complies with the provisions outlined in § 153.170.080(D).
1 or more
2 sf of sign area per linear foot of primary building frontage
6 ft
Secondary wall
1 or more
1 sf of sign area per linear foot of primary building frontage
4 ft
C-2, F-C, I-C, with freeway frontage
Freestandi ng
1 sf of sign area per 1 linear foot of street frontage
80 ft
1. A maximum of 1 freestanding sign is permitted for lots with less than 800 linear feet of street frontage. One additional freestanding sign is permitted for lots with more than 800 linear feet of street frontage. For this purpose, a commercial center is considered a single lot.
2. Additional sign face area for monument signs may be granted in lieu of use of freestanding signs, per criteria established by the Director of Community Development.
3. In lieu of a monument sign, an electronic readerboard sign may be permitted, subject to approval of a conditional use permit and design review, provided the sign complies with the provisions outlined in § 153.170.080(D).
40 sf
8 ft
In lieu of a monument sign, an electronic readerboard sign may be permitted, subject to approval of a conditional use permit and design review, provided the sign complies with the provisions outlined in § 153.170.080(D).
1 or more
1 sf of sign area for each linear foot of primary building frontage
6 ft
   (C)   Wall signs.
      (1)   A maximum of three wall signs shall be permitted for each wall of a commercial unit that contains a main entrance or is adjacent to a street.
      (2)   A maximum of one wall sign shall be permitted for each wall of a commercial unit that does not contain a main entrance.
      (3)   Wall signs shall not project more than 18-inches from the building wall.
      (4)   Sign height shall be measured from the bottom to the top of the sign.
   (D)   Electronic readerboard sign.
      (1)   Sign defined. An ELECTRONIC READERBOARD SIGN is a sign that incorporates changeable messages which may be changed by remote or automatic means.
      (2)   Applicability and review. 
         (a)   Electronic readerboard signs are allowed, subject to approval of a conditional use permit and design review, for businesses with a minimum of three acres (for the overall business), within the C-2, Fe, I-C and I Zones and along a designated truck route. This sign type may be installed in lieu of, but not in addition to, freestanding and/or monument signage permitted on-site.
         (b)   Design review shall include review of the following sign elements: sign style, sign height, sign size, number of other signs on the site, sign placement and sign materials, subject to the criteria established in this division.
      (3)   Orientation. Signs shall not face residentially zoned properties or residential uses, schools, hospitals, convalescent hospitals and other sensitive land uses as deemed appropriate through the conditional use permit process.
      (4)   Message duration. Messages shall remain static for a minimum of eight seconds. Message changes shall occur within a timespan of no more than one second.
      (5)   Activity. Messages on the electronic readerboard sign shall rotate only during normal business hours or as deemed appropriate though the conditional use permit process.
      (6)   Contrast. Electronic readerboard signs shall be adjusted to maintain contrast between the sign face and surrounding areas, subject to review and approval through the conditional use permit process.
      (7)   Illumination. The following provisions apply to the illumination of electronic readerboard signs:
         (a)   Automatic dimming controls shall be installed, either by photocell (hardwire) or via software settings, in order to bring the lighting level down to avoid spillover and light trespass onto abutting or adjacent properties and to avoid glare at any time of the day.
         (b)   Electronic readerboard signs shall be adjusted to minimize the degree of brightness and glare. Lighting levels should be sensitive to the environment and react with natural light sources, subject to review and approval through the conditional use permit process.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12; Am. Ord. 1371, passed 4-15-15; Am. Ord. 1397, passed 4-5-17; Am. Ord. 1402, passed 11-15-17; Am. Ord. 1510, passed 6-19-24)