Park and Recreation Dedications/Fees
154.001 Deposit and use of fees
154.002 Park dedication or payment of fees
154.003 Reduction of fees for second dwelling unit
154.004 Recreational facilities credit
154.005 Exemptions
154.006 Return of fees
154.007 Determination of fair market value
Art in Public Places Program
154.015 Purpose
154.016 Cultural Arts Commission established
154.017 Definitions
154.018 City Art Fund created
154.019 Developments subject to the provisions of this chapter
154.020 Final city approval
154.021 Program allocations
154.022 Application and approval procedures for placing art work on private property
154.023 Procedure for acceptance of art work donated to the city
154.024 Limitations on forms of art
154.025 Ownership and maintenance of art work
154.026 Art work on public property, performing arts and purchase of real property for public art
154.027 Return of fees
154.028 Criteria for approving architecture as art
154.029 Procedure for approving architecture as art
154.030 Exemption
154.031 Removal of art work
154.032 Appeal
Flood Control Facilities
154.040 Deposit and use of fees
154.041 Payment of fees
154.042 Credit for facilities installed by developer
Traffic Congestion Relief Facilities
154.050 Deposit and use of fees
154.051 Payment of fees
154.052 Credit for facilities installed by developer
Law Enforcement Facilities, Vehicles and Equipment
154.060 Deposit and use of fees
154.061 Payment of fees