The building inspector shall review any applications for construction, erection, remodeling, refacing, relocation, expansion or other alteration of any private access. Any application for such permit which lacks any of the requirements of section 10-123 or which shows nonconformity to the construction standards set forth in section 10-124 shall be rejected as either incomplete or nonconforming. Complete and conforming applications shall be reviewed and a permit issued therefor unless the building inspector shall determine that the proposed access shall diminish the affected frontal dune's capacity to serve as a protective barrier. Any permit issued shall require conformity to the construction criteria set forth in section 10-124, shall be conditioned upon conformity to plans and specifications of the application and shall permit no alterations to the frontal dune other than those permitted by regulations promulgated pursuant to the Coastal Area Management Act. Any such alterations shall require that the affected portions of the frontal dune be returned to its condition prior to construction within 21 days of such alteration or other disruption.
(Ord. No. 2001-047, § 5, 10-27-2001)