Ord. No. | Date | Description |
Ord. No. | Date | Description |
96-97-02 | 7-8-96 | Rezoning Parcel Number 26778, Map Number 105, Block f, Lot 8 from R-10 to R-8. |
96-97-06 | 10-14-96 | Rezoning 309 South Pitt Street, Parcel Number 26778, Lot 12, Block J, Deed Reference N520448 from B-1 Downtown to DFC Downtown Fringe Commercial. |
97-98-11 | 4-27-98 | Rezoning Tax Parcel Number 08777 from Industrial to RA-20 (Residential/ Agricultural). |
11-12-16 | 6-11-12 | Rezoning 4144 and 4145 East Avenue (Parcel Nos. 12951 and 07475 respectively) from Downtown Commercial to Medium Density Residential. |
11-12-17 | 6-11-12 | Rezoning 4144 and 4145 East Avenue (Parcel Nos. 12951 and 07475 respectively) from B-1 Commercial to R-8 Residential. |
12-13-18 | 2-11-13 | Rezoning 4871 Weyerhaeuser Road (Parcel No. 53614), 4879 Weyerhaeuser Road (Parcel No. 53522) and 4815 Gum Swamp Raod (Parcel No. 53523) from RA-20 Residential/Agricultural to RA-20A Residential(Manufacturing)/ Agricultural. |
12-13-19 | 3-11-13 | Amending multiple parcels of land from RA-20 Residential/Agricultural to R-12 Residential. |
13-14-05 | 9-9-13 | Rezoning 4617 and 4621 Lee Street (Parcel No. 12562) from MDR Medium Density Residential to C Commercial. |
13-14-06 | 9-9-13 | Rezoning 4617 and 4621 Lee Street (Parcel No. 12562) from R-8 Residential to B-2 Highway Commercial. |
13-14-09 | 1-13-14 | Rezoning 4408 and 4374 Lee Street (Parcel Nos. 17013 and 05124 respectively) from R-8 Residential to B-2 Highway Commercial. |
14-15-09 | 11-10-14 | Rezoning 4451 Lee Street (Parcel Nos. 14018 (11), 14019 (R-8), and 14020 (R-8) from their current designations to B-2 Highway Commercial. |
15-16-03 | 8-10-15 | Amending Pitt County Parcel ID No. 81865 (11 acres), from LDR (Low Density Residential) to C (Commercial). |
15-16-04 | 8-10-15 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel ID No. 81865 (11 acres), from RA-20 (Residential/ Agricultural) to B-2 (Highway Commercial). |
15-16-10 | 12-14-15 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 06098, totaling 6.7 acres, from R-10 (Residential) to MF (Multifamily). |
15-16-11 | 12-14-15 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 33441,, 81865, 12301, 12314, 52800, 51290, 00204, 47445, 36904, 45095, 36346, 25874, 12206, 45800, 67369, 10452, 06379, 08115, 39470, 39471, 17695, 41748, 10455, from B-2 (Highway Commercial) to B-2/CCOL (Highway Commercial/ Commercial Corridor Overlay). |
15-16-17 | 5-9-16 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel ID No. 08364 (11.83 acres), from Medium Density Residential to Industrial. |
15-16-18 | 5-9-16 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel ID No. 08364 (11.83 acres), from R-8(Residential) to 1-I (Light Industrial). |
15-16-19 | 5-9-16 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel ID Nos. 13799, 57955, and 13024 (1.41 acres), from Industrial to Low Density Residential. |
15-16-20 | 5-9-16 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 13799, 57955, and 13024 (1.41 acres) from 1-I (Light Industrial) to RA-20 (Residential/Agricultural). |
16-17-07 | 10-24-16 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 16987 and 16941 (0.47 acres) from B-1 (Central Business District) to R-8 (Residential). |
16-17-22 | 6-12-17 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 83130, 32540, 00186 (61.8 acres) from RA-20 (Residential) to R-10 (Residential). |
17-18-17 | 12-11-17 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 26789 (0.20 acres) from B-1 (Central Business District) to R-8 (Residential). |
17-18-23 | 5-7-18 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 67203, 67204, 67205, 67206,67207, 67208, 67209, 67210, 67211, 67212, and 67213 (3.2 acres) from R-8 (Residential) to MF (Multi- family). |
17-18-26 | 6-11-18 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 25917 (12.268 acres) from RA-20 (Residential) to B-2/CCOL (Highway Commercial/Commercial Corridor Overlay District). |
18-19-02 | 8-13-18 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 23749 (21.635 acres) from RA (Residential/ Agricultural to R-12 (Residential). |
18-19-11 | 12-10-18 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 14922 (4.24 acres) from RA-20 (Residential/ Agricultural to B-2-CD (Highway Commercial - Conditional Use). |
20-21-05 | 9-14-20 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 86009 (11.35 acres) from RA-20 (Residential) to R-10 (Residential). |
20-21-06 | 10-12-20 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 15252 (15 acres) from R-8 (Residential) to MF (Multi-Family). |
20-21-10 | 11-9-20 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 04933 (38 acres) from RMX (Residential Mixed Use) to R-6SF (Residential). |
20-21-14 | 1-12-21 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 03066 (52.5892 acres) from RA-20 (Residential) to R-10 (Residential). |
20-21-16 | 1-12-21 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 03066 (41.0945 acres) from R-10 (Residential) to R-8 (Residential). |
20-21-22 | 4-12-21 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 05894 (24.5 acres) from R-8 (Residential) to MF (Multi-Family). |
20-21-24 | 5-10-21 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel Nos. 12975, 12976 and 14006 (13 acres) from LI (Light Industrial) to R-6SF (Residential). |
21-22-03 | 7-12-21 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 17747 (.81 acres) from R8 (Residential) to B2 (Highway Commercial). |
21-22-22 | 2-14-22 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 73237 (5.9 acres) from NMX (Neighborhood Mixed Use) to MF (Multifamily). |
21-22-28 | 4-11-22 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 588777 (1.13 acres) from R-10 (Residential) to B-2 (Highway Commercial). |
21-22-31 | 6-13-22 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 82568 (2 acres) from RA (Rural Agricultural - Pitt County Zoning) to RA-20 (Residential/Agricultural). |
22-23-09 | 11-14-22 | Rezoning Pitt County Parcel No. 10447 (30.37 acres) from RA-20 (Residential/Agricultural) to R8-CD (Residential-Conditional District). |