When the Water Shortage Response Plan is implemented, it may be in a phased process as outlined below:
   (A)   Phase I: Voluntary Conservation.
      (1)   This phase will be enacted when it is determined that one or more of the parameters outlined in § 51.71 is met. If this occurs, the consumers will be notified promptly by any or all of the following: mailers, door hangers, postings on the town’s web site (www.ayden.com), local news media, public postings at the Town Hall, Post Office, and the like. During this Phase, the public will be asked to begin voluntary conservation measures by following the recommended conservation methods that will be made available by the above listed notification avenues.
      (2)   If the determining parameter(s) return to seasonal norms, the measures will be lifted. However, failure of the determining parameter(s) to return to a state of seasonal normalcy may require the initiation of Phase II.
      (3)   During Phase I, industrial facilities will be required to submit to the Town Public Works and Utilities Director a water shortage response program. This program should include methods that will allow the facilities to reduce their water usage by 25%.
   (B)   Phase II: Mandatory.
      (1)   This phase will begin when the Town Public Works and Utilities Director issues a water shortage advisory. Consumers will be notified by one or all of the methods noted in Phase I. All users will be required to adhere to the voluntary conservation measures as noted in Phase I. Class III uses will be banned. Class II uses will allowed although outdoor vegetative watering will be limited according to the resident’s street address. Even numbered addresses will be allowed to water on even days of the month. Odd numbered addresses will be allowed to water on odd days of the month. Allowable times for watering will be limited to the hours between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
      (2)   Failure to adhere to required conditions will result in a written notice of violation for the first offense and/or a $50 fine. Thereafter, the town may impose a fine of $50 per violation for the second and third offense. A fourth offense will result in a $250 fine. Further offenses may require the offending party to have his or her water service disrupted.
      (3)   During Phase II industrial users will be required to evaluate their Water Shortage Response Plan with the town’s Public Works and Utilities Director as it relates to their 25% reduction goal.
      (4)   If Phase II action fails to alleviate the water shortage, the town will enter into the third and final phase.
   (C)   Phase III: Emergency.
      (1)   This phase will commence with the issuance of a water shortage emergency declaration from the Town Manager. Users will be notified by any or all of the methods noted in Phase I. All users will be required to uses voluntary conservation measures outlined in Phase I. Class III uses will be banned and Class II uses will be allowed although commercial vegetative watering (i.e. nurseries, livestock and the like) may be further reduced.
      (2)   Industrial users will be required to implement their water reduction program immediately.
      (3)   Failure to comply with mandates during Phase III will require the offending party to pay a $100 fine for the first offense, a $350 fine for the second offense and the disruption of water service for the third offense.
      (4)   In addition, residential users will be allotted 1,000 gallons per month per bedroom per structure. If the user uses 1,001 - 1,250 gallons per month per bedroom a surcharge of 25% will be added to the monthly water bill. If the user consumes 1,251 - 1,500 gallons per month per bedroom a surcharge of 75% will be added to the monthly water bill. If the user consumes any amount in excess of 1,501 gallons per month per bedroom a surcharge of 150% will be added to the monthly water bill.
      (5)   Commercial, industrial and institutional facilities will be required to reduce their monthly water consumption by 25% of the previous 12-month water consumption average to maintain the current water rate for that month. The average water use can be evaluated on an individual basis for facilities with seasonal water demand fluctuations. A 10 - 24% water use reduction from the previous 12-month water use average will require the town to impose a 25% surcharge on the monthly water bill. A 0 - 9% water use reduction from the previous 12-month water uses average will require the town to impose a 50% surcharge on the monthly water bill. An increase of 1 - 25% above the previous 12-month water use average will result in a surcharge of 100% on the monthly water bill. Any amount used above 25% of the previous 12-month average water bill. Any amount used above 25% of the previous 12-month average water use will require a monthly water bill surcharge of 150%.
(Ord. 05-06-22, passed 12-12-05; Am. Ord. 09-10-25, passed 6-14-10)