In order to facilitate a fair and equitable Response Plan, every water use will be grouped into one of three classifications:
(A) Class I: Essential Water Uses. These uses include, but may not be limited to, water use required to/for:
(1) Sustain human life and the lives of domestic pets.
(2) Maintain minimum standards of hygiene and sanitation.
(3) Health care uses necessary for patient care and rehabilitation.
(4) Firefighting, including training and drills as approved by the Town Manager.
(B) Class II: Socially or Economically Important Water Uses. These uses include, but may not be limited, to water use required to/for:
(1) Preserve commercial vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, nursery stock and livestock maintenance.
(2) Outdoor commercial watering, public or private, using conservation measures.
(3) Establish vegetation, using minimal amounts, after construction/earth moving activities (only allowed in areas required by law or regulation).
(4) Filling and operation of municipal swimming pools and private pools that serve 25 or more residences.
(5) Operate commercial care washes, restaurants, laundromats, clubs, schools, churches, and similar commercial establishments.
(C) Class III: Non-essential Water Uses. These uses include, but may not be limited to, water use required to:
(1) Operate fountains, ornamental pools and recreational swimming pools that serve fewer than 25 residents.
(2) Non-commercially wash motor vehicles, sidewalks, and the like.
(3) Non-commercially water gardens, lawns, parks, playing fields and recreational areas.
(Ord. 05-06-22, passed 12-12-05; Am. Ord. 09-10-25, passed 6-14-10)