(a)   The Mayor is authorized and directed to publish rules and regulations governing the use of Avon Isle, and to amend such rules and regulations from time to time, as necessary.
   (b)   Rules and regulations for use of the Avon Isle shall be as follows:
      (1)   All persons using Avon Isle must do so in compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
      (2)   There shall be no smoking, vaping, or e-cigarettes and no illegal gambling on the premises.
      (3)   The premises shall be used only by the permit holder.
      (4)   All youth activities shall be chaperoned.
      (5)   If required by ordinance, police or auxiliary police shall be provided by the Avon Police Department and paid for by the permit holder. Fees are determined by Avon Police Department and are subject to change. Permit holders will be responsible for the current hourly rate at the time of their event, and renter must pay officer directly by cash or check. Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises unless permitted by law.
      (6)   In the event the deposit made by the applicant is insufficient to cover the cost of necessary labor for cleanup or repair of damage to the building or its contents, the individual representing the group or organization and the group or organization shall be jointly and severally responsible for damage, loss or replacement.
      (7)   Parking spaces marked “Handicapped” are to be used only by handicapped persons.
      (8)   No cooking shall be allowed in the building. Catering and outdoor cooking are permitted.
      (9)   The main room of the building will be kept free from all furnishings, chairs, tables, etc., except when being used. After use, the main room shall be left empty for cleaning purposes.
      (10)   No taping, nailing or adhering decorations to the walls in any way. Persons found guilty of damaging or defacing the building or committing any theft offense therein may be barred from using Avon Isle again by either the Recreation Coordinator or the Mayor, and may face legal action from the City. The security deposit will be forfeited.
      (11)   Basement access is strictly prohibited.
      (12)   All parties will adhere to current Ohio Fire Codes and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) codes and guidelines that are applicable to the use group per the AJH (Authority Having Jurisdiction) and agreed upon by the City of Avon Parks Department. If you have any concerns or questions on these guidelines please contact the Avon Fire Prevention Bureau.
      (13)   All information on applications for permits shall be true and accurate.
(Ord. 134-12. Passed 12-10-12; Ord. 96-19. Passed 11-11-19.)