The committee referred to in Section 1482.03 shall examine or cause to be examined any building or other structure, or a portion thereof, reported as dangerous or damaged and, if found to be an unsafe building, the City shall give written notice to the owner, lessee, agent or person in charge of such building or other structure, stating the action to be taken and the reason for the same. Written notice may be given to such person personally or by registered or certified mail at the last known address of such person. The notice shall require the owner, lessee, agent or person having charge of such building or other structure to complete the repairs or improvements or to demolish and remove such unsafe building or other structure, or a portion thereof, within 120 days from receipt of the notice. If, however, in the opinion of the committee, the need is urgent, after approval by the committee and the Mayor, the committee may order such changes to be made in a lesser period of time.
   Such notice may also require the building or other structure, or a portion thereof, to be vacated forthwith and not reoccupied until the specified repairs or improvements have been made, inspected and approved by the committee. In such cases, the committee may cause a written or printed notice to be placed on the dangerous or unsafe premises as a warning to the public.
   Such order to vacate shall be in writing and served upon the owner, lessee, agent or person in control of such building or other structure, stating the reason for the order of vacation and directing that the building or other structure, or a portion thereof, be vacated within a specified time. Whenever the committee deems it necessary, a notice of such vacation shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the building.
   After the posting of such order of vacation, no person shall occupy or permit the occupancy of the premises or any portion thereof until the provisions of this chapter and the orders issued by the committee have been fully complied with.
   When it appears to the committee that the reasons for the order of vacation have ceased, the building is safe for occupancy and the orders of the committee have been complied with, the committee shall issue a notice of compliance. All posted notices to vacate shall be removed from the premises by the committee.
(Ord. 84-62. Passed 6-13-62.)