The following sewer rates are established as follows:
(A) Metered users. Rates set by City Council by ordinance from time to time are incorporated herein by reference as if appearing in total.
(B) Outside city surcharge. Customers living outside the city limits will be billed 130% of the above rates and charges.
(C) Excessive strength charge. Rates set by City Council by ordinance from time to time are incorporated herein by reference as if appearing in total.
(D) Due date change. The date utility bills are currently due is by the twentieth day of the month without a penalty being assessed. That date will now be by the seventeenth day of the month. After the seventeenth of the month a 10% penalty will apply to all unpaid utility bills.
(Ord. 2011-03, passed 6-29-2011)
(A) In accordance with the provisions of I.C. 8-1-2-103(d), as amended, the charges for the production, storage, transmission, sale, and delivery or furnishing of water for public fire protection purposes shall be included in the basic rates of all customers of the city.
(B) The new schedule of rates shall:
(1) Eliminate fire protection charges billed directly to the city, other than charges for the construction cost for new hydrants installed on and after the date specified in this chapter; and
(2) Increase the rates charged each customer of the utility in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 8-l-2-103(d)2.
(C) This change in the recovery of public fire protection costs shall not be considered to be a general increase in basic rates and charges of the utility and is not subject to the notice and hearing requirements applicable to general rate proceedings. The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission shall approve the new schedule of rates that are to be effective on the date specified in this chapter.
(Ord. 2008-02, passed 2-12-2008)